
Wednesday 7 August 2024

Working From Home As A Stay At Home Parent - Finding the Right Balance

 **Collaborative Post**

Becoming a parent and holding down a full-time job are arguably two of the hardest responsibilities we will have in life and when the two come together and we have to try to juggle both it is no easy feat. For many, they will need to return to work soon after the baby is born and that's when life can get hard trying to find the right balance between parenthood and your working role. That is why some people choose to switch to working from home or becoming self-employed so they can have a bit more flexibility over their working hours and free time and earn an income from home around their family.

Now, it’s not just about how you manage your time that counts. It’s also how you manage your energy levels, your productive focus, your schedule (which is unlikely to be as hard and fast as you may like it) and also your general demeanor in differing roles. Your “work hat” is different from your “parent hat,” but you may need to switch between them multiple times throughout the day, and that in itself is a challenge.

So, if you work from home as a stay-at-home parent and have little ones to look after, how might you manage? Consider this:

Shorter Time Blocks

Working in shorter bursts may be the only option you have when you're juggling work and kids at the same time. Instead of trying to find big chunks of time, aim for smaller, more frequent work sessions. Maybe it's 15-30 minutes while the little ones are napping, or an hour after they've gone to bed. The secret is to be super focused during these mini-work sprints if you can, having a distinct goal and avoiding distractions. Of course, working with an employer you may have to help accommodate this is key, as listing your available times can make you more dependable.

Outsourcing Vital Necessities

It’s healthy to let go of the idea that you need to do everything yourself. Think about what tasks you can outsource, and that’s not always related to your business. Maybe it's getting groceries delivered instead of spending an hour at the store, and the same with prescriptions. Or using a laundry service once in a while to free up some time.  On the business side, using accountants to help with your bookkeeping can save you from a tax mistake or money management difficulty. This way, your valuable time is spent on what’s most essential now.

Distinct Working Spaces

When your home is also your office, it’s easy to find yourself feeling trapped and unable to separate your two responsibilities mentally. Try to carve out a specific area for work, even if it's just a corner of a room where you can place a comfortable seat and desk for your laptop. This helps you mentally switch into work mode when you're there. It also sends a sign to your kids that when you're in that space, you're working. Of course, with little ones around, you can't always stay in one spot, yet having that space can be helpful. It might also show your partner or relatives to try and take your children into the other room as it’s their turn to take care of them.

With this advice, you’ll understand that while balancing work and parenting from home isn't easy, it's just about doable. Don’t be afraid to ask for the help you need, you deserve it.


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