

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Guide to Chakra Balancing: Aligning and Balancing the Body's Energy Centres

**Collaborative Post**

Chakras are energy centres along the spine that travel from the base to the crown of the head. They have the power to influence physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and correspond to major nerve bundles and organs. The health of chakras depends on the unobstructed flow of energies. When chakras are out of balance, physical and emotional ailments may manifest.

Psychic readings with crystals can help you identify trouble with your chakras, but you can use other tools and methods to ensure positive energy flow. Chakra balancing is also an effective method for restoring harmony in your system.

What Is Chakra Balancing?

From pendulum psychic readings to yoga and meditation, chakra balancing is a multidiscipline approach to restoring harmony and promoting optimal energy flow within the chakra system. It aims to clear blockages and remove imbalances within the energy centre.

Chakra balancing has its roots in Eastern healing traditions that view the body as a holistic entity where spiritual, physical, and mental aspects are interconnected. When the chakras are balanced, the life force or prana can flow freely, improving mental clarity, emotional stability, physical health, and overall well-being.

A person may experience several symptoms with chakra imbalances, such as fatigue, unexplained aches and pains, and digestive issues. The imbalances can cause mood swings and anxiety. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to rebalance your chakras.

Daily Practices to Balance Chakras

You can develop daily routines to rebalance and maintain balance in the chakra system. These routines may include activities like yoga, meditation, crystals, or clairsentient psychic readings. Yoga is especially helpful for rebalancing chakras. For example, the mountain and warrior poses can help balance the root chakra, Muladhara, while the triangle and goddess pose can realign the sacral chakra, Svadhisthana.

Meditation can also help create calmness and bring energy to specific chakras. Breathing exercises are straightforward and easy for beginners. You can use box breathing as an introduction to meditation. You want to inhale slowly through the nose and count to four. Hold your breath for another four seconds before slowly exhaling for another four seconds. Repeat the steps until you feel calm and centered.

Crystals can help with chakra balancing because they have stable, intrinsic energy frequencies. Each crystal type vibrates at a specific rate, depending on its composition and structure. Chakra theory suggests that each chakra also resonates at a particular frequency. The crystals for each chakra are as follows:

         The root chakra is red (jasper, garnet, black tourmaline)

         The sacral chakra is orange (carnelian, citrine, orange calcite)

         Solar plexus chakra is yellow (yellow jasper, tiger's eye, citrine)

         The heart chakra is green or pink (rose quartz, aventurine, malachite)

         The throat chakra is blue (lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue lace agate)

         The third eye chakra is indigo (amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli)

         The crown chakra is violet or white (clear quartz, amethyst, selenite)

Chakra balancing requires consistency and openness. If you want to learn more about chakras and balancing, consult a local professional. Also, try some of the techniques listed here.


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