

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Ensuring Active Kids Get Balanced Nutrition with NuBest

 **Collaborative Post** 

Children are naturally pretty active people anyway, always on the go, running around after a football or out on a bike ride with friends, building dens, and playing games, let's not forget what they get up to at school! But some kids also do extra activities through hobbies and after-school clubs such as football, rugby, swimming, gym or dance to name a few. All these extra activities mean a lot of strain on young bodies which means ensuring they are getting the right nutrition can be key to ensuring they stay fit and healthy. 

I can totally relate to this as my own son James is a swimmer, he is 13 and swims 5 times a week currently (including once before school!). He also plays football and walks to and from school so I would definitely say he's an active child. Of course, we encourage a healthy, balanced diet and he trains with professional coaches to ensure he is doing things correctly but sometimes he needs a little more and that is where things like NuBest Tall Protein Powder really help. 

What is NuBest Tall Growth Protein Powder? 

You might be wondering what exactly is NuBest tall about, well If you haven't seen or used it before, here is what the website says about the product - 

"NuBest Tall Powder delivers an excellent source of protein, Omega 3-6-9, probiotics, plus vitamins D3 & K2, perfect for picky eaters, lean children, and active kids and teens. Our nutrient-dense formula with less sugar comes in a yummy chocolate flavour they will love. Enjoy it as an instant energy boost, an on-the-go meal, or a lunch box beverage. Grow strong with one shake daily. One and done!"

NuBest Tall is essentially a dietary supplement children can take from age 2+ which contains a range of probiotics, vitamins, and protein to ensure your child has the right, balanced nutrition with one simple supplement a day (alongside a well-balanced diet too of course)Each serving contains 10g protein for energy and muscles, 1 billion CFU probiotics for healthy digestion, Omega 3-6-9 (from flaxseed) for eyes and brain functions, vitamins A, B, C & E for immunity, plus K2 + D3, Magnesium, Zinc, and amino acids for bone growth and body development. 

The great thing about NuBest is that it comes as a delicious chocolate-tasting powder so when made up looks and tastes just like a chocolate milkshake. That means no swallowing or chewing tablets as these can often put kids off, instead they just drink this like a milkshake making it an easy and delicious way to ensure kids are getting everything they need. 

Why Does My Child Need a Supplement? 

You may be wondering exactly why your child needs a supplement and the answer is this is totally down to you, taking a supplement or a multivitamin is a personal decision and one only a parent and child can make as you know your own body and health. However there are a number of reasons people who to take them, here are just a few - 

Picky Eaters - Some children have a very selective diet and will only eat certain foods and some kids just don't like eating fruit or veg etc while you can sneak some into meals, taking a multivitamin or supplement is a much quicker and easier way to ensure your child is getting everything they need nutrition-wise if they limit what they eat. 

Active Kids - As I mentioned above, some kids are more active than others, and those who do super active clubs on top of their normal active lifestyles for these children it is really important that their bodies are getting everything they need as they are putting more pressure, strain, and stress on both their bodies so a simple and easy solution for them is to take a supplement. Also as NuBest comes as a powder to be made into a drink this is a great way to get everything kids need into them on the go as the drink can be made in a bottle and taken with you. 

Prone to picking up bugs - Once children start nursery or school it seems like every other week something is going around and we all hope and pray our children won't catch it. But some children seem to be more prone to catching these bugs than others and some seem to suffer more than others too! This may be because their body is lacking vital vitamins and minerals that help boost their immune system and keep them well or help them get better quicker. Taking a daily supplement can help with this although it of course can't promise your child will never catch a school bug, unfortunately.

And these are just a few of the reasons! 

Both my children take a multivitamin each morning with their breakfast and it just become a part of their routine now. As a mum, it just gives me peace of mind that they are getting everything they need to be happy and healthy kids. For Evelyn, it is because she has such a limited diet down to a number of reasons but she is happy to take a multivitamin so this helps balance out her selective eating. For James, it is because he is so active and always on the go, he is 13 now and seems to be growing all the time (seriously, I feel like I am buying him new clothes and shoes every week!) and a simple multivitamin just means I can rest easy knowing his growing body is getting everything it needs even when he is always on the go! 

I really like the idea of being able to give them all the protein, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals they need as a drink rather than a tablet form, and feel like would especially go down much better with my youngest as she hates taking any sort of tablet form vitamins, etc. 

Do your children take a multivitamin or supplement? If you are considering trying one for the first time, check out the NuBest range for children, they can be taken by children for 2 years old. 


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