

Tuesday 31 January 2023

What To Say: Educating Your Children On Alcohol

**Collaborative Post**

There comes a time in every parent’s life when it’s time to have “the talk” with your children. Now, often we consider “the talk” to be about sex, but there are several “talks” parents need to have around a variety of topics. 

Alcohol is one of the most important talks to have as it becomes accessible to children at quite
a young age, as well as it being one of the most commonly used addictive substances on the planet. The number of people suffering from alcohol addiction is at an all-time high, and in those cases, unhealthy relationships with alcohol often start at a young age

But what exactly should you be saying to your child about it? After all, it isn't illegal and they’ve likely seen you drink it… 

It is illegal for those consuming underage 

Well, that’s the perfect starting point, as alcohol is illegal to consume under a certain age in all four corners of the world. In the UK, that is 18, just as it is in many other parts of the world, while in the USA it is 21.  

Remind them that, and drinking underage can result in several problems, both inside and outside of school. 

Discuss how it alters the mind 

The effects of alcohol should be explained to your child in detail, as how it can alter the brain and lead to bad decision-making and consequences that could be felt across an entire lifetime, especially when it comes to the likes of crime and unprotected sex. 

Alcohol can make a person vulnerable and that can lead to becoming the victim of a range of crimes, ones that may be avoided by staying of sound mind. 

It isn’t glamorous! 

Drinking isn’t glitz and glam like the adverts make out. It is a toxin that can lead to addiction and considerable health problems. The likes of liver damage, heart problems, and even things like bad skin and hair damage can all occur by abusing alcohol.  

It can have a major effect on your complexion and appearance, which many people can feel incredibly self-conscious about and lead to mental health problems.  

Family history with alcohol 

If there is a family history of alcohol abuse, then it’s worth explaining that to your child. Discuss first-hand experiences with alcohol and the events that occurred because of it. Perhaps a family member went to rehab or alcohol withdrawal. This will allow them to understand that they may be more vulnerable to alcoholism and issues related to it, as well as the consequences they may encounter. 


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