

Tuesday 3 January 2023

10 Things To Consider When Bringing Your Baby Home

**Collaborative Post**

AD: You have got through the pregnancy, the labour and are ready to bring your new bundle of joy home, but leaving the hospital and having sole responsibility to care for your new precious bundle can be a daunting and scary experience, especially the first time around. Whilst bringing home a new born is an exciting and transformative experience, it's also a big responsibility, as you are now responsible for the health, safety and well-being of your new addition. But as most parents will tell you, the days go by so quickly and before long you will be in a routine and feeling much more settled, but never be afraid to ask for help if things don't start feeling easier either.

Here are some things to keep in mind when bringing your baby home:

1. Have a plan:

Before the baby arrives, have a plan in place that includes who will do what during those first few weeks and beyond. This will help ensure all needs are taken care of and relieve stress on everyone involved.

2. Create a safe environment:

It is important to create a safe and comfortable bedroom for your baby. Make sure you have all the necessary items, such as a crib, mattress, changing table, etc., and that everything is properly set up. Check for any safety hazards (loose cords, sockets within reach) and remove them if necessary. Be mindful of any dangerous chemicals or toys, too.

3. Prepare for the unexpected:

Babies are unpredictable, so it’s important to always be prepared for the unexpected. Have a bag filled with essential items such as diapers, wipes and a change of clothes in case you need them on the go. Additionally, make sure that basic first-aid supplies like infant Tylenol and a thermometer are easily accessible and up-to-date should they be needed.

4. Stock up on supplies:

You will need enough diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk storage bags, diaper cream etc. Having these items on hand will make life more convenient during those sleepless nights. Additionally, make sure you have a pacifier handy for those times your baby needs soothing or if your baby won't stop crying.

5. Develop a routine:

Once you bring your baby home, it is important to develop a daily routine as quickly as possible. This may include feeding and napping schedules that should be adhered to on a regular basis. Establishing a structure will help ensure that everyone in the family follows the same schedule and understands what’s expected of them during the day. 

In addition, establishing healthy sleep habits is one of the most important tasks you can do for your baby right away. This means creating an environment that is conducive to restful sleeping—avoid loud noises and keep lights low at nighttime—but also sticking to a routine, so your baby knows when it’s time to sleep.

6. Don’t forget postpartum care:

It’s important to keep in mind that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one. Make sure to make time for yourself to rest, eat well and get some exercise. Talk to health professionals if needed to help ensure you are taking care of your mental and physical health as well.

7. Consider your own needs:

Bringing home a newborn can be exhausting and come with many new responsibilities. Make sure to schedule time for self-care and ask for help if you need it. Don’t be afraid to take breaks when needed, and remember that it’s ok to put yourself first sometimes too.

8. Research baby-wearing options:

Baby wearing has been around for centuries, but today there are so many different styles and fabrics available. Before bringing your baby home, do some research on the best carrier or sling for you and the way you intend to use it. This will make transitioning from place to place much easier!

9. Join a support group:

Having a new born can be overwhelming, so don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Look into local parenting groups or online support forums and make some new friends who will understand the struggles you’re going through. This can be a great way to find resources, learn from each other and get some much-needed advice!

10. Have fun!

Last but not least, enjoy your new baby! Having a newborn is a special time and should be enjoyed with every ounce of energy you have. Take the time to bond, laugh and love your little one—you will never get this time back.

When bringing home a new born, it's important to remember that preparation is key. Make sure to create a safe environment, plan for emergencies, establish healthy habits and build a supportive team before your little one arrives—it will make all the difference in the world!

Don't forget to take care of yourself, too, during this special time - make time for self-care and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. With these tips in mind, you and your baby will be off to a great start!


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