

Thursday 22 December 2022

8 Tips for Transitioning Children to a New School or Nursery

**Collaborative Post** 

Transitioning to a new nursery, school or scholastic environment can represent a hugely daunting experience for any child. They may be feeling nervous, apprehensive and have lots of questions about the move and how it will work. This is why parents should be adequately prepared for such changes well in advance to help make the transition a smooth one for everyone involved. 

We have put together a list of eight strategies that families can employ so that the situation itself will take place as smoothly as possible and may answer any questions or worries your child may have. 

Be Honest

Embrace a sense of openness in regard to why the move is occurring. Children deserve honesty and this mindset will help them feel as if they are part of the overall process. Being honest about the move can also help children understand that the move is a necessary one and not one you are doing just to uproot them. This will also provide you with an opportunity to address any questions that they might have.

Share Feelings of Stress

Make it a point to let your child know that you are also experiencing a certain level of stress and anxiety. This helps to develop a sense of empathy and ultimately, to remind your little one that he or she is not alone in their emotions and that you can all work together as a family. Invite them to share things they are specifically worried about as you may be able to help with some of their worries straight away. 

Allow Time for Adjustment

Becoming acclimated to a new school or nursery can temporarily impact the performance of your child. They will need to get used to a new school, new surrounds, teachers, children, friends and possibly a new way of learning too. Be sure to take this into account and do not apply too much pressure during the transitional process. There is no doubt that they will soon become comfortable with initially unfamiliar settings and once the additional stress of the move subsides they will become more settled and happy. 

Speak with Teachers

It is also wise to set up an appointment with your child's teachers within the first few weeks of your child starting a new school. Let them know about any concerns that you may have and they can also share any concerns they have with you too. This will enable them to better appreciate what your child is going through and to pay particular attention to how he or she is coping and come up with strategies that the school may be able to help with to ensure a smooth transition and your child's happiness.

Monitor any Areas that May Require More Attention

Both parents and teachers alike should proactively monitor how their child is coping with tools such as the Educater pupil progress tracker. This is an excellent way to determine if special assistance is required in any discrete subject. The results can also be shared with others; an invaluable asset within scholastic settings meaning everyone can be on the same page when it comes to a child needing help and them being able to access it easier. 

Provide a Sense of Closure

It is crucial to allow your child to come to grips with such a lifestyle change. Part of this strategy involves digesting the move on an emotional level. Allow time for your child to say goodbye to any friends that they might have made at the old school. While somewhat difficult, this is an important stage of the overall process.

Schedule Play Dates

Play dates are another powerful option at your disposal. These sessions will remind your child that their friends are not simply gone and forgotten and that just because they may not be together at school, that doesn't mean they cannot still see or talk to each other. If meeting up regularly is difficult why not explore other options such as skype and video calls that allow kids to stay in touch with friends. This will also help to ease the overall transition into a new nursery or school.

Meet with New Parents

A final method to become familiar with a new learning experience is to speak with other parents who are affiliated with the school. Ask them what you and your child can expect, they are probably going to be your most honest insight into how everything works. This is also an excellent opportunity to obtain additional suggestions; particularly when meeting with parents who made a similar transition in the past.

Moving to a new school is always somewhat challenging and yet, the suggestions outlined above will allow the transition to take place as smoothly as possible.


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