

Wednesday 30 November 2022

How To Spend The Last 10 Minutes Of Your Working Day

 **Collaborative Post**

AD: Many people allow the last ten minutes of their workday to wind down and transition into their time. This may involve checking personal email, browsing social media, or planning for the evening ahead. However, there are several compelling reasons to use this time more productively. For one thing, it can help you end your day positively and set the tone for the evening ahead. Additionally, it can help you to clarify your thoughts and priorities, leading to a more productive evening. Finally, it can provide a much-needed sense of accomplishment as you head into your time.

So how can you make the most of the last ten minutes of your
workday? By updating your to-do list and prioritising tasks that need to be done the following day. This will help you start your next workday on a more organised and productive note. Additionally, you can move non-urgent meetings or calls to the following day and adjust your schedule accordingly. Reorganising your desk or workspace can also be helpful and help you stay organised for the following day. Finally, reflecting on your day can help you identify areas that need improvement and help you stay on track.

These are just a few examples of how you can make the most of the last ten minutes of your workday. If you are interested in more information, please look at the following infographic. It shows excellent ideas on how to productively spend the last ten minutes of a workday. Check it out below.

Infographic Design By end your day on a positive note.

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