

Tuesday 11 October 2022

James is 13 - Officially a Teenager!

James as you turn 13 today it barely feels possibly that 13 whole years could have passed, yet it's even more impossible to ever imagine what life was like before you came into it either. Officially a teenager but always my baby in my heart, the one who made me a mum, the one who always has my back and yes, the one who is definitely now taller than me too! You're now officially a teenager but deep down I hope that changes nothing, because I love you exactly as you are right now. 

In the last year you have grown so much both in personality, mentality and of course physically as you now like to tease me about how much taller you are than me and how much bigger your feet are than mine too (that whole me pinching your nice trainer's phase didn't last very long did it lol!). You are so kind with the biggest heart, always thinking of others and whilst you and your sister bicker all the time when push comes to shove you always have her back. 

You are still swimming and seemingly still love it just as much. You have been working really hard at it and it shows since you have once again moved up another group and consistently set new personal bests every single competition and gala, in fact you are under 10 seconds off that 60 second 100m freestyle and I know that you will smash it this year if you keep working hard. You are slowly finding what you are good at and the strokes you hate (fly is the devil as far as you are concerned) but you love backstroke and freestyle, and long distance is definitely your thing. 

As well as swimming you have been doing amazing at your football too, moving into a new season with your team you've changed from defence to a striker and have made us all really proud with the hard work and determination you are putting in to get better in your new position. Your very first game in a striker position saw you score your first hat trick too; I don't think any of us could believe what we were seeing! 

At school you are smashing it, Year 7 seemed to zoom by, and I can't quite believe you are in year 8 already, no longer the youngest in the school. I know you hate homework (who doesn't!?) and there are times where you drive me a little bit mad when you leave it till the last minute and let me know 9pm the night before its due that you are yet to complete a piece of homework. But all in all, you are doing so well, the teachers all tell me how well you are doing, how kind, happy and confident you are and that they love how much you contribute to the class (I guess all that chatting you love to do finally came in handy?). 

But most of all I love that you aren't afraid to be you. You aren't afraid to stand up against what is right and wrong, you ask questions, your inquisitive, always learning, always wanting to know more. Your a little bit crazy and hilariously funny and I know your friends would back me up on that, forever the class clown but I can't really moan when you get good grades too! 

I am proud to call you my son, but even prouder to call you my friend, my best friend. Never change James and never let the world take away your smile, you're amazing and I can't wait to see what the next year ahead brings for you. 


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to James for yesterday. He sounds like a lovely young man. I hope he had a great day. x
