

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Top Family Holiday Destinations to Travel to After Lockdown

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Whilst right now staying at home is the safest place for us all to be, it doesn't stop us dreaming up new and exciting travel plans or thinking of our next big family adventure! In fact I think for many people lockdown, the pandemic and so many cancelled plans have actually left us all realised just how much we love our holidays and just how many dream holiday destinations we still have to see. 

So whether you are planning family holidays to Canada, the Caribbean, Cornwall or you ae just going to take a world map with pins and see where it takes you, there are some pretty amazing destinations we would all love to travel too. Here are some of the places we as a family would love to visit in the future when we are allowed. Don't forget to share where is on your travel wish list when we can travel again, in the comments below. 


Now I will be honest with you, as beautiful as the beaches and everything are in Australia it was actually seeing Australia Zoo on TV that sold me the idea of going there. I am a huge animal fan and have watched lots of the Australia Zoo - Home of the crocodile hunter shows. The place looks absolutely huge with so many interested and unique animals to see. I also love how up close you are able to get to some of the animals too and of course seeing all the great work they are doing towards conservation. 

But as I mentioned above, even without the zoo Australia looks like a fantastic family holiday destination. The crystal clear waters and golden sandy beaches are things you see in movies and perfect for two water loving kids like mine! Whilst the flights may be long once in Australia you can experience so many great things from bustling cities, beautiful beaches and even tropical rainforests. It is sure to be a holiday to remember. 


Whilst Canada make not jump out to you instantly as a family holiday destination it actually has so much to offer and explore making it a great holiday spot for families. If you are an outdoor loving family then Canada has 100's of rivers for rafting or kayaking as well as some of the most beautiful hiking routes around. From mountains and glaciers to blooming forests and beautiful lakes, bustling cities to natural wonders Canada has it all. 

Of course it wouldn't be a trip to Canada without seeing the spectacular Niagara Falls either, another thing on my bucket list! Another great reason to visit Canada from the UK is that some of the best times to visit actually fall within our own school summer holidays and compared to other places it is actually relatively affordable to visit Canada as a family. 


As a family we have been to Cornwall a few times now and honestly can't wait to return. As soon as we get there we feel more relaxed, like Cornwall has some superpower that melts away stress. Life just seems a little slower here, a little more kind maybe? The kids love exploring the beaches, splashing in the sea and checking out all the quaint little shops along the seafront. Whilst we have been here a few times we still feel like we have so much more to see, so many more beaches to explore and so many more sunsets to watch and that is why we cannot wait to return (hopefully soon!). 

USA (Disney!!)

Would this even really be a "top family holiday destinations" post without a mention for Walt Disney World, Florida? Honestly it is probably one of the most iconic and magical places in the world for kids young and old. It packs in all the excitement and magic of Disney and is definitely a holiday where you will get in your daily step allowance (and more!). It is a holiday that will keep you on your toes so if you are a family that loves excitement, thrill and being busy and on the go Disney should definitely be on your list. 

It is one of those places that I would love to be able to take the kids to, at least one for the whole experience. However having read lots of reviews of the Disney experience I think we might need another holiday after to recover from all the excitement and walking involved! 


Going on a safari is probably my biggest dream of all the holiday destinations I could think of. It is one of those holidays that I think would be unforgettable, one that would stick in your memory forever and it is a memory I would love to be able to share with the kids at some point. There are lots of places in Africa where you can go on safari with many companies now offering safe yet mesmerising up close safari experiences. These including destinations such as the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, Chobe National Park in Botswana, Kruger National Park in South Africa and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. 

The idea of being able to experience some of the worlds most beautiful and majestic creatures living in the wild is one I don't think can really be topped and is why I think a safari is probably at the very top of my travel wish list. 

Do you have any places that you or your family would love to travel to when it is safe to do so and restrictions are lifted? If so I would love to hear about them in the comments below. 


**This is a collaborative post.**

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