

Thursday 19 November 2020

Create a Video Message for Loved Ones This Christmas with SayIt

 **Advertisement Feature**

Who is excited for Christmas? After the year we have had I can't wait to be able to get all excited about Christmas and just for a day or two feeling like something normal has happened this year! But whilst it will be nice to be able to celebrate Christmas, for some it will be another blow in not being able to spend the festive season with family and friends. Whilst we don't yet know what restrictions will hold over Christmas, for many Christmas will still be different this year. 

Some may be isolating, some may be shielding and others may just wish to stay away from extended family and friends to keep them and their loved ones safe. Who knows we may even be in another lockdown which restricts us all from mixing anyway (fingers crossed not though!). But is you are having to consider the possibility of not being able to spend Christmas with someone you love this Christmas I have a great solution for you so you can still let them know just how much you care... a video message or video card from SayIt! 

SayIt was born out of an idea to connect people and help them share meaningful and memorable moments together that will be treasured for years. Whilst sending a card is a lovely idea it can be a little impersonal, but SayIt allow you to capture your special and personal messages and send them as a unique and thoughtful gift in the form of a range of different items all containing a personal video message.

Making a video card couldn't be easier and the SayIt website makes it super easy to do. There are three options when it comes to making your video card -

Digital Video Gallery - Included in every SayIt purchase the digital video gallery allows you and all of your friends and family add personal messages to an online gallery which can then be send and viewed by the recipient. This option is all online and so the recipient will not receive a physical product, instead they will receive the online gallery to watch and listen to again and again. 

Video Greeting Card - The video greeting card is a great option for those wanting to send a physical product. It offers a beautiful physical greeting card which when opened up plays a montage of the videos you and other friends/family have recorded. It can contain up to 4gb (or 2 hours) worth of video and also allows the user to pause, rewind and fast forward the card whenever they wish. The A5 white, hard backed card features a 7-inch bright full colour screen and folds into an A frame to display in pride of place.

Video Gift/Keepsake Box - The video keepsake box features a 7-inch bright full colour screen and as well as being a beautiful way to send a message, the box also has plenty of space to add unique gift items, photos, letters or keepsakes too. The video montage will play when the box is opened and the video messages also have the option to pause, rewind, fast forward etc. 

The great thing about SayIt video cards is that they allow more than one person to contribute to a video gallery AND even more importantly, given the current pandemic situation, they can do it remotely too! So, whether you live around the corner, the other side of the world or your just isolating, everyone can contribute to your video gallery/card. This is done by sending the people you want to include in your video gallery a unique link (and password if you choose to set one up) which they then click on and either upload or record their video directly through the app. Videos can either be pre-recorded on your phone. tablet, apps etc and then uploaded via the link, or videos can be recorded directly via the link you send them on their phone or tablet etc. 

We fell in love with the idea of making a video card since my husband's brother lives in America and he has done for around 6 years now! Since then, he has also become a dad and we of course all miss them lots! So, when I heard about the SayIt service I knew it would be the perfect way to reach them this year and tell them just how much we missed them via personal videos from the whole family. Whilst we might not be able to physically be together, we can all come together as a family to send him a big warm family Christmas message from all of us thanks to SayIt. 

Setting up the card was simple I just created an account (takes literally a few minutes) and I was ready to go. I was then able to add a message for the card and some details and all that was left to do was to add the videos. I created a private gallery which required a pin and then I just sent the designated link and pin to all of my husband's family so they could record and upload their videos. There was a range of ages who recorded their video messages, but everyone managed to do it with ease because it really is that easy! Once all the videos were uploaded and ready to go in my gallery, I checked them over, selected a video card as my product and then checked out. 

The card does have to be sent to the USA to it hasn't quite arrived yet, but I will update below on how it was received once it has arrived (I am in no doubt that it will be loved!). Say It made it so easy to go through the whole process and I think being able to send a video message in a card is such a special gift, especially for those who we won't be able to spend Christmas with this year or those who (like us) have family living abroad. 

This year SayIt are also offering a great range of beautiful Christmas video items including a Christmas card, keepsake box and even a Christmas hamper containing your video as well as a selection of seasonal goodies too! 

If you are looking to send a personal gift this Christmas that will really show your family and friends just how much you care, you can create your very own personal video messages and cards here shop.say-it.co.

Who would you like to send a video message to this Christmas and is SayIt a service you would consider using? 


**This is a collaborative post.**


  1. I think this is just the loveliest idea! I have my Auntie in New Zealand and I know how much she would love it.

    Thank you for sharing x

  2. What a special and thoughtful idea this Christmas! It's not going to be a 'normal' one, so little ways to make keep connected are so important :)

  3. This sounds like such a lovely idea for this - it is going to be such a shame we won't see family normal would but to be able to share something is so nice.

  4. What a lovely idea . We can’t see family this Xmas even if lockdown did change as they are over 6 hours away so this is a lovely thing to do :)

  5. This is such a lovely idea for those family members you may not see very often, or those you know you won't see at Christmas. I'd send one to my grandad as I've not seen him all year x

  6. What a lovely idea! I would send this to one of my friends who we can't see at the moment and could really do with knowing she is loved and appreciated.

  7. This is a unique idea. Something I'm sure many will appreciate after the lack of contact with others this year.

  8. What a fabulous idea, wish something like this had been around when my dad lived abroad

  9. I have not heard of SayIt but it really sounds like a great concept to create such an amazing personalised gift idea.

  10. How awesome is that! I have many a family member in the venerable category that would massively love one of these. Maybe i should be less camera shy and crack on with one
