

Tuesday 22 September 2020

What Are The Benefits of School Trips for Kids?

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School trips were always a highlight of the school year and I know my two little ones both love it when a new school trip gets announced! The excitement of leaving school ground and going on an "adventure" with your friends is pretty cool right? But aside from the fun aspect, have you ever considered the benefits of school trips for kids? 

Yes of course school trips are great fun but school trips also help teachers to provide educational experiences to students outside of the classroom. There are many benefits associated with school trips. For example, they are not only fun for kids, but they also help to develop a number of academic and personal skills outside of the classroom. As children get older, school trips also allow students to explore other countries and learn new languages.

To help you learn more about the benefits of school trips, here is some more information from an independent school in Somerset

Memorable experiences

Stepping outside of the usual classroom environment allows children to immerse themselves in what they are learning. This is not only more exciting, but it is also more memorable and you will often find children take on some much more information from trips that are memorable. For example, it is one thing to read about a historic event in a textbook, but to actually stand in the exact spot where that event happened and hear about it from an expert is unforgettable.

Sometimes when children hear about things in books or on screen it can almost seem fictional as kid's cannot actually see or feel the item for themselves. So being able to explore, see or even feel the place or emotion can really capture kids imaginations and help them find a love for a topic. 

Language & culture

For older students there are often more opportunities to travel abroad on school trips or exchanges. This experience can help to support personal development, as well as enhance a number of your child’s academic skills. For example, a trip to Germany can be very beneficial to children learning German at school. This is because it allows children to fully immerse in the language, food and culture. Personal skills

Educational trips encourage the development of many personal skills; in particular children will learn to be more independent. This independence will also help to boost your child’s confidence. Furthermore, travelling with classmates on a school trip is not only fun and exciting, but it can help children to form new friendships.

Motivation & teamwork

Finally, School trips can be used to motivate children and to really get them excited about a topic or subject. Teachers and parents can use the prospect of a school trip at the end of a topic to encourage good behaviour and hard work and act as a reward. It also gives children something to look forward to during a difficult subject or one that requires lots of work and studying too. 

Also by getting to know each other outside of the classroom, teachers and students can build better relationships. This can motivate teamwork and improve the overall behaviour of a class by seeing how everyone interacts outside of a classroom environment. It will also give teachers an insight into those pupils who may learn so much more with a hands on, visual learning approach which can then be brought into the classroom where possible too. 

Do you remember any of your school trips? What was your favourite? Or have your children been on any amazing school trips in the past? Let me know in the comments below. 


*This is a collaborative post.**

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