

Thursday 20 August 2020

Getting Back in the Saddle - Evelyn's Horse Riding Lesson

Back in October Evelyn found a complete love for horse riding and was totally hooked after her very first lesson! She has been really enjoying going along for lessons at Cottage riding stables. Even though she had only had around 3 lessons her love for going was clear (mostly from the persistent count down and screeches of excitement on the day of her lessons!). However when lockdown came around we sadly had to stop and Evelyn was even more devastated when she realised she wouldn't be able to have the horse riding party she had hoped for this year either.

However today she got back in the saddle and I think she had the biggest smile of the all!

Sadie over at Cottage Riding Stables does an amazing job with the kids and a lesson there is more than just "riding a horse" Evelyn gets to learn all about the horses, how to tack them up, lead them out and of the logistics behind learning how to ride properly. They have time in the arena and have even had a few small group hacks out on the lanes etc which of course Evelyn loves. Today for her first time back after 6 months away she got to go out on the road in a small group of 4 and she's already managed to swindle another lesson out of us next week with her enormous smile after getting back.

Here are a few photos from her lesson today...

Even in a few short lessons it has been so nice to see her confidence blossom and for her to have a real love and passion for something. She has been hauled around with her big brother watching him at swimming training and competitions so she has had great fun hauling him along to her lessons for once! It has been so lovely seeing a little sparkle in her eye and a beaming smile doing something she loves and whilst I sometimes wish she could have perhaps picked a cheap hobby I am so pleased she has found something she loves to do after a few failed attempts at other hobbies in the past.

And whilst he wasn't to keen on actually getting on a horse, James couldn't resist on getting in on the action a little, giving some of the horses who weren't being ridden a little attention.

Do your children have any hobbies that they enjoy doing in their spare time? If so what are they? Let me know in the comments below.


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