

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Ultra Dash Game **REVIEW**

**AD - Review**

There might be a 5 year age gap between James and Evelyn but one thing they can always both agree on is their love for playing games! Indoor games, outdoor games, board games and games that have them running around, they love them all. So when we were recently given the chance to try out a game that was totally new to us, Ultra Dash, we couldn't wait to give it a try! 

Ultra Dash is a fun fast paced game which can be enjoyed by the whole family! The game consists on an electronic tagger stick and 5 coloured targets. Each player takes it in turn to load up the tagger and try to hit as many of the coloured targets as possible. The colours flash on top of the tagger and as it flashes up you need to place the tagger into the hole on top of the target. 

There are 3 different game modes for Ultra Dash, these are -

Beat the Clock - In this mode you have to race to hit all 5 targets in the colour sequence the tagger shows as quickly as possible. Fastest time wins. 

Target Tally - In this mode you set a timer on your tagger, the aim is to then find and hit as many targets as possible in the allotted time. The winner is the one who finds the most targets. 

Relay Race - As the name suggests this mode is played as a relay race and works really well if you have lots of players, such as at a party etc. In this mode each person takes it in turns to find the 5 colour targets the tagger flashes before racing back and handing the tagger to the next person so they can find the next 5. The winning team if the first team to find all of their targets. 

James favourite mode was beat the clock, he got it down to around 6.4 seconds to find 5 targets but he is determined to get it down to 5 seconds apparently! This mode is really fast paced and has had us all getting a little competitive, trying to beat each others times! This mode is definitely a test of your reaction times.

Evelyn loves the target tally mode, especially when we hide the targets like a game or Ultra Dash hide and seek. It certainly spreads the game out and has her giggling along as she hunts for targets. 

What I love about this game is it is super versatile. It can be played at home in the living room on rainy days or taken outside and spread across a larger space if you can. It gets the kids running around burning lots of energy as well as testing their reaction times and reflexes too. The kids have already asked if we can take it with us when we next go camping and  I think it would make a great game to bring along too, they love an outdoor game

The game recommends the game is for ages 6+ however Evelyn is 5 and whilst she couldn't quite match her brothers lightening quite reaction speeds in beat the clock it didn't stop her having a fantastic time with this game. I think with adult supervision this game could work for all ages. 

This game got a big thumbs up from all of us, it got us all moving and brought out a bit of our competitive spirit too. We loved how versatile the game was and how you could easily adapt it making it easier for younger players and harder for older kids or even grown ups! The kids have started coming up with their own variations, setting up little obstacles or tasks to do as you get to each target which has been great fun too. 

I can see this being pulled out of the cupboard lots this summer and being so simple to set up and get going in next to no time makes it a great choice. The tagger requires 3 x AAA batteries which aren't included so you will need to buy these beforehand. However once these are in the game is ready to go time and time again. 

Have you ever played Ultra Dash? If not is it a game you think you would love in your household too? 



  1. This is a really fun game for all the family. My kids have one and love to play indoors and outdoors depending on the weather.Even I join in on occasion.

  2. This sounds like so much fun! I love that it is engaging and keeps our children active too :)

  3. It's great to see that the game gets the kids moving around. Especially when many are stuck indoors now

  4. I've seen this is a YouTube video not long ago and it looks like such a fun game for kids and keeps them running about as well!

  5. This looks great, good to find something the whole family can enjoy

  6. This looks like so much fun! It's great when it's a game all children can play and it can be adapted to suit their level - and that us grown ups can get involved too!

  7. I have not seen this game before, but what a great fun game to get outside and have some fun. I am sure this is a big hit x

  8. We have never played the game before but I definitely think it is a game my kids would enjoy and something new to do.

  9. Oh these look like lots of fun! Especially now - we need lots of down time and fun activities for the children.

  10. Looks like a fabulous game which I know my kids would enjoy playing especially since the Dash Game can be played both indoor and outdoor

  11. Ooo now this looks very cool. A great idea and looks so much fun. Deffo good for times like this xx

  12. This game looks like a lot of fun, Not sure our garden would be big enough though

  13. This looks like so much fun, a wonderful way to get the children moving and enjoying the outdoors

  14. This looks like fun and a good way to be active and spend time outside! Will keep it in mind next time I want a new game for the family.
