

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Today I Turn 30!

Today I am turning 30! I'm not going to lie, everyone keeps telling me that its a big birthday, a milestone birthday and perhaps it's because we are in lockdown or maybe its just because I have never really been too fussed about my birthday but I don't think I feel any different about it at all!

But I wanted to write a post as well as working with some amazing brands on this blog, sharing lots information and taking part in some fun reviews, my blog acts as a kind of online virtual diary. Its full of posts about my family, my children, their milestones and our adventures and I guess turning 30 comes under that too.

I guess my last big birthday was when I turned 21 and of course a lot has changed since then. Not least to mention having another baby when Evelyn came along almost 6 years ago now! We have also moved house, I have become self employed and of course got married too!

But perhaps the biggest change is the one that you can't see, the one that nobody except my closest friend's and family might notice and that is discovering who I am. Finding me has taken me 30 years so far and honestly I think it is something that once we find it we continue to do for the rest of our lives. In fact its something we all do on a daily basis, the only difference is once you get comfortable with who you are, you aren't  afraid to show it, to dismiss people who put you down for it.

So who am I? Well I am Jess, a now 30 year old mum living in the UK. I have a husband and 2 children. I love animals, alpacas and sausage dogs in particular. I have never travelled outside of the UK and I love to crochet. I am all about helping others and love seeing others happy, that's truly what makes me happy. I don't have many friends but the friend's I do have are pretty awesome. I am there for them and they are there for me and that's all the friends a girl could want right?

I'm not going to say that this is going to be my year and I am not going to share a bucket list, heck the way 2020 is going so far I don't want to plan what I am doing tomorrow that'll own start creating a bucket list. However I am going to promise myself that 30 is just a number. It isn't a limit on what I can wear, what I can do, how I can act or what I can say.

Turning 30 doesn't mean I can't act like a kid on holiday with the kids or wear funky bright colours. It doesn't put a limitation on my dreams or my hopes. What it does do however it prove to myself that for 30 years I have been getting by and when I feel like I might not have accomplished much in that time I take a look back. In that time I have become a mum, twice! I have found my husband, got married, moved house.. twice! I have created my own business working from home and I have learnt how to be the parent I want to be and most importantly learnt to not apologise for that!

So whilst my 30th birthday might not be quite how I had planned (no cocktails or birthday meal out for me). I will get to spend it with my husband and two little ones and I will be sure to make the most of the fact that I am here to celebrate it and that we are all happy, safe and healthy. Plus this lockdown time just gives me and my friends more time to plan more epic delayed birthday celebrations!

Happy Birthday to anyone else who might be celebrating their birthday today! 30 is the new 21 right!?


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to you! I hope you've had a lovely day.
