

Monday 20 April 2020

How To Raise A Science Lover

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As a child I loved science, in fact I actually took double science as a GCSE. There is just something so engaging about science and I always found it so fascinating seeing how things worked, reacted and just hearing about experiments and discoveries. 

When it come to helping our own children though, many parents can feel apprehensive about helping with more complex school subjects such as science. This is especially true for those who didn't particularly enjoy science in school or who didn't pursue a career in that particular field. As parents you may even be unsure of how to spark your child's interest in science, let along how to help them succeed in it.

However you need not worry. You don't have to be a scientist, to love science nor do you need to hold and form of degree, in fact all you really need is an inquisitive mind and a drive to learn. I have teams up with an independent day and boarding school in Hampshire to offer you the following advice. 

There are various career opportunities for young people with a science-based education, which is why lots of parents want to raise children who have an interest in it. While you can’t force it, there are ways to foster a love of this subject within your children, and it’s best to start as early as possible. Even if your child doesn't end up with a career in science, a love and interest in science is a wonderful thing to have.  

Start by making science something that you talk about as a family on a frequent basis. For instance, you could discuss a medical breakthrough you’ve heard about in the news or something simpler like the weather and how it’s affecting the world around us. The trick is to ‘normalise’ science around your child. Dinnertime is a great opportunity for this because it’s a chance for all the family to get together and chat. It doesn't have to be serious or difficult, science is everywhere in the world (and home!) around is. 

You could also try and carry out some science-related activities with your kids, like experiments or a scavenger hunt. There are lots of ‘STEM’ toys available on the market that are great for younger children.

Encourage your child to ask questions and if you don’t know the answers, take some time out together to investigate and find out. You might also find it helpful to chat to your child’s teachers and ask them about the curriculum so that you can explore similar topics at home. The teacher will probably be thrilled to hear from you and more than happy to assist.  Plus schools are often limited on time so if there is a particular science project or subject your child really enjoyed you could take the chance to explore it even further and in more depth at home. 

The most important thing to remember is to go with the flow, kids are natural born scientists who are always asking questions, pushing the boundaries and experimenting with things. As parents all we need to do is give them the ability to do this and nurture their interests. Allow them time to explore, answer their questions and if you don't know the answer research it together. 

Science isn't just about knowing the answers but instead the journey to finding the answers and seeing the spark ignite in your child. 

Did you love science as a child? Or are you kids interested in science now? 


**This is a collaborative post**


  1. STEM toys are a brilliant way to get kids interested in science. I remember growing salt crystals in school in science, so fascinating

  2. I wasn’t great at science but my son is really interested in experiments and it’s a fun way to introduce him to science too

  3. Great tips. Jack absolutely adores science and loves nothing more than doing experiments, especially if his Dad gets involved too!

  4. It’s surprising how easy it is to teach science with in your own kitchen . For example whilst cooking the reaction with bicar with lemon , the iodising of fruits and veg when cut .
