

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Top Tips on How to Enjoy a Happy, Healthy, and Stress-Free Pregnancy

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Some of us fall pregnant in the blink of an eye. Others spend years trying to achieve the same feat.  
But all of us want to enjoy a happy, healthy, stress-free pregnancy.  

Yet, when you try to follow all the dos and don’ts” online or listen to all of those who “know best,” your pregnancy can become anything but happy. And it most definitely won’t be stress-free.   
Whether you’re about to become a mom for the first time, fifth time or are finally celebrating a pregnancy using fresh or frozen donor eggs, here’s how you can enjoy the happiest and healthiest of pregnancies – and beyond.  

Eat for Two – But Not by Doubling-Up on Quantity  

When you find out you’re pregnant, one of the most joyous initial thoughts is, “Great, I can eat what I want because I’m eating for two!” However, doubling-up on your portions isn’t the answer – nor is it necessary.  

You see, your food intake should become more focused on what you’re eating rather than how much you’re eating. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to mean there’s no enjoyment in what you eat. 
Pregnancy diets should be full of all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you and your baby need to be at your healthiest and happiest. Eating the wrong foods and gaining too much weight can add to your risk of developing complications like gestational diabetes. However, the occasional chocolate bar, bowl of ice cream, or takeout is definitely allowed! 

Ensure your daily diet consists of the best types of food alongside these occasional treats. Look to guidelines for what’s best, i.e. a good balance of fruit and vegetables, proteins, fish, dairy, and plenty of fluids.  

Embark on a Regular (but Steady) Exercise Regimen 

For those who aren’t already avid exercisers, light to moderate daily exercise is recommended to help keep you fit and healthy during your pregnancy. Think of it like training for a marathon. Giving birth is a physical and emotional test, so you need to prepare your body. The more work you put in now, the easier the birth may be – and the quicker you’ll lose weight afterward.  

Activities like going for a walk, swimming, joining specialist prenatal classes, and practicing yoga are all great ways to keep your body in shape without overdoing it.  

Already have an exercise regimen?  
Then you may need to adjust this slightly for your pregnancy. Always follow the advice of your healthcare practitioner to ensure you’re enjoying regular exercise but without placing too much strain on your body.  

It’s also a good idea to make pelvic floor exercises part of your regimen. These help maintain the muscles around your bladder, back passage, and vagina, reducing the chance of stress incontinence throughout your pregnancy and after.  

Sleep Easy, Sleep More, and Take Some Time Out  

Now that you’ve implemented a healthy eating plan and are enjoying good exercise, you may find sleep comes easier. You aren’t having to battle those thoughts and concerns many pregnant moms face because you know you and your baby are as happy and healthy as possible.

Yet, even with the best food and exercise regimen in the world, sleep doesn’t always come so easy when you’re pregnant. From aches and pains to needing to rush to the loo numerous times a night, sleep can quickly become a distant memory.  If this sounds all-too-familiar, there are some things you can do to make sure you’re getting plenty of shuteye.  

If possible, start getting up a little bit later or going to bed earlier to make up for that time you’re losing. Or, start taking a nap throughout the day (again, if possible). If neither of these solutions work for you, just be sure to take some time so your body can relax and unwind. For example, when you get home from work, put your feet up and enjoy 30 minutes of relaxation before you start cooking dinner.  

Finally, if you’ve just found out that you’re pregnant, try to get used to sleeping on your side now. This will help immensely when you get to your third trimester and can only sleep on your side.

Habits to Last a Lifetime  

As you can see, all of the above are really easy to implement and only require a few subtle changes to your lifestyle.  

What’s more, they can make such a difference to your pregnancy and life afterward. With healthier choices and higher fitness levels, you’ll feel more energized and ready to spend the day being mum! 

Do you have any top tips for others to help them enjoy a happy, healthy and stress free pregnancy? I would love to hear them in the comments below! 


**This is a collaborative post** 


  1. These are all really good tips. I've had three and it's true you don't eat for too like many say you can. It's a case of being more careful what you eat to ensure you take in enough nutrients.

  2. This is a great post for any expectant Mum, becomming pregnant is a huge change and learning how to accept the changes is the biggest challenge you can do x

  3. I've never had a kid so haven't been through this myself, but I can't imagine how much your life changes during pregnancy x

  4. Some excellent advice here, during my wifes 3 pregnancies it has changed several times and we have tried different things, getting the right balance on food and quantity for us was essential.

  5. These are great tips. There is always so much to remember during pregnancy - and I find the information changes often too!

  6. I remember being always hungry and craving for food at night. Luckily I did not indulge and eat too much as I already doubled in weight and would have been a lot bigger otherwise.

  7. As a Doula I always try to share tips similar to these with my clients, I would also add in trying to make time for hypnobirthing. Whether you plan to use it in labour or not, just the practice of it can help to build in some mindful and meditative time which is great for relaxation. Laura | Tales of a Natural Spoonie (kids are using my gmail account for their blog).

  8. Rest when you can, that would be my advice. My first pregnancy I didn't make the most of all that time on my own and with my other two, I really needed to rest but had no time to! :D

  9. Some great tips here. I encouraged my daughter to eat healthily through her pregnancy and she is back in her pre-pregnancy jeans just 3 months later which she is grateful for
