

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Top Methods For Skin Resurfacing

**Collaborative Feature** 

Your skin takes beating after beating with the passage of time. Sun damage is one main problem you may face. However, it is important to note that even staying out of the sun for your whole life wouldn't prevent all skin damage. All sorts of other internal and external things can also affect your skin health. Even time itself is no friend to your skin, since it causes hormone production levels to change drastically within your body.  

Problems Your Skin Faces as Time Passes 
Skin resurfacing is a way for you to fight back against all of those unwanted negative changes that just seem to pop up. That could include blemishes or sun spots. It also extends to wrinkles, fine lines, and scars. Even if you simply feel your skin is looking duller than it used to, a peel could definitely help you get your glow back. 

How Many Skin Resurfacing Options There Are 
Skin resurfacing is any procedure that exfoliates your skin. That simply means it scrubs or is abrasive in another way that dislodges materials clogging pores. It can also refer to any procedure that alters the actual skin cells on or near the surface for purposes of reducing scarring or other blemishes you can see on the surface of your skin. For example, some resurfacing procedures help get rid of tattoos or freckles.  

There are many more resurfacing options than you may think. One such procedure is done with a relatively new, Jet Peel Machine that uses saline liquid and oxygen to perform the procedure. Procedures that have been around much longer include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser peels. Many of those procedures can be adjusted to perform more shallow or deeper treatments, depending on the level of damage your skin has. 

Every Skin Resurfacing Method is Different  
It is important to know that, even though they perform similar functions, every peel procedure is different. They all use different tools and require different expertise from clinicians. That is why it is so important to make sure the clinic you choose has the proper certifications for the performance of the treatment you intend to have. The differences in how each resurfacing treatment is perform also affect factors like time spent for treatment, cost, comfort level during each procedure, and how long it takes skin to recover. 

Having Your Skin Medically Assessed Matters 
Your skin is unique to you. It requires medical assessment from a professional to determine exactly what type of care it needs. When the professional at the skincare clinic does such an assessment, he or she will look for certain factors. Those include skin thickness, whether it is oily or dry, and particular conditions you have. That assessment can be used to identify the skin resurfacing procedure most likely to provide maximum results with minimal side effect concerns or discomfort. 

But it Does Not Matter as Much as it Used To 
A skin assessment used to determine if you could even qualify for skin resurfacing. That is because dark or oily skin often could not be treated at all, especially by lasers. However, many of today's peel procedures are no longer as limited in the skin types they can treat. For example, JetPeel can treat all skin colors. Certain lasers are also capable of treating darker skin now. 

Making the Most of Skin Resurfacing 
To make the most of any skin resurfacing procedure, you have to listen to your clinician. You may have a set of instructions you have to follow after treatment to keep your skin healthy. For example sunscreen and moisturizer may be essential parts of the recovery process. If you follow those instructions, your resurfacing results are likely to be as good as possible and last longer than they would otherwise. 

Have you ever tried any skin resurfacing treatments or is it something you would try in the future? 


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