

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Things to do With Your Newborn Baby

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Motherhood can be a big adjustment, with many everyday activities proving more difficult to manage once you have a newborn baby. As well as experiencing physical difficulty as your body recovers from labour, you are more susceptible to mental health issues such as postnatal anxiety and depression. 

It’s therefore more important than ever to get out and about and enjoy time with your baby. If you’re struggling for things to do, I’ve pulled together a few fun activities that can be done either with friends or just with your baby in tow. 

Walking with friends  

Good old-fashioned walking is a brilliant way to get out of the house with your baby whilst also getting your steps in. Whether you work it in with visiting neighbouring friends and family or running errands, walking is a low-cost activity you can do all year round. Many communities have walking groups for mums, which will help you to engage with other parents and help you stay active at the same time. New mums don’t need to purchase a specialist pram or buggy for walking as most brands are built for any terrain. However, if you’re unsure there are various Britax products for sale perfect for strolling with your baby no matter what the conditions.  


Go for a picnic 

Going for a walk with a picnic is a great way to get out the house and get fresh air with your baby without travelling or incurring much cost. Head to the local park with a blanket and some tasty food and relax in the open air. As well as allowing your baby to stretch and roll freely, it gives you chance to read a book, catch up with friends or just generally have some ‘me’ time. 

Exercise classes  

When your baby is young, they’ll be feeding and sleeping most of the day, so group classes tend to be more for mums to socialise and get active. Classes can range from mother and baby yoga, to mindfulness and music classes. To access classes, you can enquire with your local council, libraries or hospitals and there are often Facebook pages for new mums in the community. Not only is this a great way to get out the house during maternity, it provides the opportunity to mix with other new mums and may even form longstanding friendships.    


We all know how important it is for children to learn how to swim, and according to paediatrics, this can’t be introduced soon enough(1). Parents can help prepare babies for their first swim by introducing them to water on their face during bath time. The best time to take your baby swimming is during working hours, to avoid the crowds and swimming classes that may take place after school has finished. Many swimming pools even assign a designated family hour, where mothers and babies are encouraged to come along and socialise.    

Host a bake sale 

Depending on how you’re feeling post labour, you may prefer guests come to you whilst you’re in the comfort of your own home. Invite friends, family and fellow new mums around for an afternoon of tea and cake, so you can socialise without the stress of having to leave the house. Ask friends and family to bring a donation too which will save you save you having to spend hours in the kitchen. You can even raise some money whilst you’re at it and make the event a bake off, raising money for your chosen cause, and your visitors will love meeting the new baby!

The most important thing to remember is that having a new baby is a huge adjustment for you and your family. Take your time, don't feel like you have to have visitors or make plans before you are ready. Those newborn days fly by so quickly and its so important you take the time to adjust. Never feel guilty for asking for help or needing to sleep! 

What activities did you find were helpful or not too tricky to partake in when you had a new baby in tow? 


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* Source 1: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2019/03/13/peds.2019-0850.full.pdf *

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