

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Making the Most of a Small Garden Space

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Storms and bad weather have been battering the UK over the last few weeks, some places have even had snow! But whilst we have managed to stay unaffected, snug and warm indoors our garden didn't fare so well. Whilst we were lucky enough not to sustain any structural or serious damage the bad weather definitely gave our garden a shake up and has given me the motivation to look at sorting our garden and getting it ready for spring/summer and hopefully some much warmer weather! 

(Photo credit - Catherine at Growing Family)

Me and the kids love spending time outside once the weather gets warmer and our garden gets lots of use for everything from lunch time picnics, playing and family BBQ's so its a space I like to keep looking nice. Despite using it lots, our actual garden is only small so when it comes to making the most of the space we have to think clever, practical and most importantly what works for us as a family. 

We have large fences all around the garden which will need a little bit of repair after the recent storms but once that is done they make the perfect canvas for lots of garden activities. I have seen so many great ideas on social media and Pinterest recently for making the most of a small garden, one of those ideas was creating things like water walls and chalk board walls straight onto the fence. 

We so often forget our fences/walls as a useable space but they can be such valuable space, especially when your garden is small. Utilising them in this way gives you and your children extra activities in the garden which won't actually take up any floor space either. 

(Photo credit - Sarah at Arthur Wears)

The kids have also asked about having a try at planting some of their own fruit and veg and maybe even some flowers this year which I thought was a great idea. Yes our garden may be small but growing your own veg really doesn't have to take up very much room at all. 

Letting kids grow their own fruit and veg is not only fun but is educational too as it can help them learn how food grows and how to grow it. You can use a small corner or the garden, the edges/borders of your garden, raised planters or even a window box to grow veg. 

Of course all gardens need an area to sit and relax too, especially if you plan on spending lots of time out there or even having guests over. But having a small garden doesn't mean you have to sacrifice having a nice seating area. If you are looking for a low maintenance option for a small garden how about completely decking out the space? 

(Photo credit - Katie at Mummy's Diary)

This means you still have space for the kids to run around and for toys to be placed (maybe even a trampoline or sand pit depending on space). But you also have lots of space for seating and entertaining guests too! Companies such as Decks & Docks Lumber Company have a wide range of decking options from plastic to wood and can create something to fit most spaces. 

This means you have a flat sturdy surface for a table and chairs, outdoor sofa, BBQ area or any other furniture you want for your garden. Its also super low maintenance and easy to keep clean all year round too. 

The one thing to always remember is that it  doesn't matter if your garden is huge or small, long or wide, grass or patio all gardens have amazing potential and can be a relaxing haven or super fun play space. Its all about utilising the space you have, really thinking about what you will use your garden for and thinking smart when it comes to storage, seating and items in your garden. 

Is your garden summer ready yet? Or do you have any plans to spruce it up before the sun arrives? I would love to hear your plans or your favourite bit about your garden in the comments below. 


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  1. These are great ideas. Having a small space doesn't mean you don't have options. You've shown here that you can do quite a lot with limited space.

  2. A garden is something I totally want to have when we move back into our house, once it's completed. I want to do a vegetable garden, as well as a small decorative garden in the front of the house, with a large livestock water tank we bought. What a great source of information!

  3. These are all such great idea. I really love the idea of a chalkboard fence, I will have to sort one out for my daughter - she loves chalks and that way she can have a really great space to get creative.

  4. Our garden is trashed thanks to all this wet weather, I cannot wait to see it drying out so we can get back outside

  5. We live right on the east coast, up North, and the winter weather has yet again pretty much destroyed our garden. The recent gales blew the doors off our shed! But, having learnt what can grow and what cannot, our shrubs are doing pretty well considering. We have lawns, which are getting to the stage that they will need a cut soon, but it is too early. I'm looking forward to getting back out there, but it is going to take a lot of doing to get it back to scratch. Again.

  6. We're about to get the keys to our first house, so the first place with a garden which will be nice although it's not our top priority to do so although we'll have some seats we probably won't do it up until next year x

  7. There are some great ideas here, I love the idea of the chalkboard my Daughter would have loved that x

  8. Any private space outdoors makes such a difference. We have loads of space but none of it private and I really miss being able to eat out as a family. Mich x

  9. I love your garden. I live in a shared house and sadly our garden isn't quite as neat and tidy as this, although I have improved it over the years a bit.

  10. Those are all wonderful ideas. You can do great things if you are creative enough to change up the place.

  11. These are some wonderful tips. We do have a small garden space but may have even smaller when we move so these tips are very timely.

  12. I love the chalkboard idea. I never thought of utilising the fences! Our garden isn't the biggest so we try and make the most out of the space we have.

  13. My garden is tiny so love this! I want to start growing some pot plant veg this year but still give them some where to have fun so definitely going to use the blackboard idea.

  14. We have a small garden and I must admit I don't utilize it as best as I could. Love the chalkboard idea, fun for the kids and making the most of the space on a fence or wall.
