

Monday 17 February 2020

Are You Making the Most of Social Media for Your Business?

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Social media can be mind boggling, even for those "in the know". But it can also be a vital tool for any growing business to reach new people, sell products and generally get the word out there about your business. 

But knowing how to best utilise social media can be a whole other ball game! However ContentCal, a social media marketing agency are here to help! Their fab team are able to help you take control of your social media presence, no matter how big or small your business is! With a great range of tools to use and years of knowledge and experience too. 

ContentCal allows you to schedule content for your social media channels, saving you time whilst
actually having more of a presence online. They take out all the stress of posting on social media and helps you post regular content as well as providing you with analytics and statistics so you can see exactly how your posts are doing. This allows you to then adjust your posts to schedule content for the most popular time for your subscribers and readers, as well as seeing what content is popular and what content wasn't really viewed at all. 

The social media calendar from ContentCal is such a handy tool which enables you to be able to plan, create, and craft your content in advance, ready to be published automatically at your chosen time and date. Once you have created the content, you can then simply connect your social media accounts to your Calendar for complete social media automation. Then you simply select a time and date for your content to publish, then approve your posts to set them live. ContentCal will then publish this content directly to your accounts so you don’t have to without you even needing to be online or at your laptop at all. 

Having your content pre-scheduled is a great way to ensure you are posting regularly whilst still leaving you with plenty of time to do the thing you love, creating content, selling products or other important roles within your business. It can also help other members of your team or staff etc know what to focus on too so that everyone is on the same page, working on the same thing. 

Making full use of the social media marketing tools available on ContentCal  helps you take full control. Their tools make managing your content much easier and quicker, leaving you free to do other tasks for your business. ContentCal can be used to store information, plan and create your content, as well as monitor your social media inquiries and analyze your outgoing content. This gives you a complete 360 perspective on how your business is performing on social and allow you to adapt your content and strategies based on how your content if performing and how your readers/customers are reacting to it. Social media automation also means you can schedule content and wait for it to go live without even being at the computer or even having Wi-Fi at all, ContentCal automatically post your scheduled content for you, stress free.  

It can be so easy to push social media to the side, especially when we are short of time. However utilising social media can be the quickest, easiest and most efficient way to reach out target audience and get your name out there.

I have been trying ContentCal myself for the last few days and its already made a great impression! As soon as I signed up I received an email within a few hours letting me know what they could do, offering help and letting me know who to contact with any questions etc which made me feel really at ease. The calendar is also a complete game changer when it comes to organising and scheduling content!

If you haven't yet tried ContentCal or you are looking for a way to help you build your social media presence or your business I would highly suggest giving ContentCal a try, new users can even get a 2 week free trial so you can see how you get on without committing too!

ContentCal's mission is to help everyone to succeed on social media, so could they be helping you too? Find out more via their website.


**This is a collaborative post**


  1. I have to say scheduling social media has been a game changer for me.

    I hate feeling like I’m constantly on social media so by scheduling, I’m present without being present.

    This sounds like a great tool x

  2. This is something I need to work on more, I have scheduled posts in the past and it is great and something I need to start doing again x

  3. I'm currently using a mix of all sorts of social media scheduling thingy's as none seem to be quite the right fit, however this is the third time I have heard content cal mentioned today so think I may need to give it a whirl :)

  4. I do schedule the majority of my social media, although it is spread over a couple of different tools. I'll have to take a look at ContentCal to see if this can streamline things for me.

  5. I will look into this. ContentCal sounds like something that would help me maintain a consistent presence across my social media channels. Thanks for the review.

  6. ContentCal sounds like a great tool for me to try out. I schedule my social media especially FB already but I'd love to check this out.

  7. I have to admit I really such at social media, it is always the last thing on my mind. I really need to get back on track with scheduling things and replying to people as well! `

  8. Thank you for your suggestions and I definitely want to improve my social media presence so will check out ContentCal and even subscribe to their 2 week free trial
