

Friday 22 November 2019

Family Meal Times Made Easy with Schwartz

**Advertisement Feature**

I think most parents will agree with me when I say that when we first become parents, we have all these ideas of cooking homemade, wholesome family meals. Where everyone sits at the table, talks about their day over the meal you spent ages cooking. However, in reality once the kids start school and you throw in various other elements such as work and a million after school clubs, mealtimes can become more stressful than enjoyable, right?  

But busy mealtimes don't have to be stressful mealtimes as I recently found out with a little bit of help from Schwartz. Their recipe mixes are an easy way of packing tons of flavour into a meal with minimal ingredients and minimal effort too. 

We recently tried out the Schwartz sausage casserole mix and it was absolutely delicious; the kids ate it all up AND it took only a few minutes to prepare and pop in the oven! The sachet even gives you serving suggestions on what would work well to serve alongside the meal, which I love as I always struggle with this. 

The Schwartz sachets are perfect for having in your cupboards for those days you just want something really delicious but with minimal effort. Since most of the flavour is packed in the sachet you really require very little ingredients, and these are things that most of us would have in our fridges and cupboard already too. 

Putting together the sausage casserole took me less than 10 minutes following the easy instructions on the packet, to make the casserole I did the following - 

Schwartz Sausage Casserole Mix, cooking instructions - 

1.  Pre-heat oven to 180ºC, 350ºF, Gas Mark 4.
2.  Fry sausages for 4-5 minutes, until browned.  Drain excess liquid.  Add onion and cook for a further 3-4 minutes (I also added my mushrooms in to brown off at this point too), until softened.  Stir in tomato puree and cook for a further minute. 
3.  Transfer to a casserole dish and add mushrooms.  Mix Schwartz sausage casserole sachet mix contents with cold water and add to casserole dish.  Cover and cook for 1 hour.
4.  Serve with mashed potatoes or roast potatoes and veg of your choice. I also served ours with some fresh homemade bread and butter. 
The whole meal was delicious and proper comfort food, perfect for warming your tummy in the cold Autumn weather and so easy to make too. When the kids and my husband walked into the house from work/school the first thing they commented on was the smell that wafted through the house which made all of our tummies rumble as it smelt so good. 
The casserole itself had a subtle tomato flavour but you could also taste a hint of the browned-off onions and a hint of garlic and oregano too. The sauce really thickens over the hour that you cook the sauce so if you are looking for lots of sauce it may be worth adding a little more water in the pot before cooking. This could make the sauce less thick though so be mindful of how much extra water you add if you do choose to do so. 
I will definitely be trying out more of the Schwartz mixes for busy evening meals as they are just so easy to use without compromising on flavour or taste at all. In fact, the only complaint that came from our home was from my husband. And that was because there wasn't any left for him to take to work the next day because we all enjoyed it so much there were no leftovers! 
The Schwartz sachet mixes are available from Tesco who stock a range of different meal mixes including the sausage casserole mix shown above.  
Have you tried any of the Schwartz recipe mixes? If so, which one is your favourite? 


**This is a collaborative post in which I received a fee.**


  1. The Schwartz spice mixes can be so handy when you are hungry and need to make a tasty meal in a hurry!

  2. I guess these can be really useful for busy days, not only for mothers. I haven't tried Schwartz in particular but I usually find pre-made mixes very salty. How does this compare to others?

  3. ohhh I do love a sausage casserole. Perfect tummy warmer now the cold is setting in.

  4. I've used this casserole mix plenty of times and it really is delicious x

  5. I do love a good sausage casserole. I tend to make mine from scratch but will give this a try

  6. The sausage casserole looks so delicious! Such a good comfort dish for a cold day, especially with all this rain we are having at the moment.

  7. We love using Schwartz mixes - in fact we even have one I am using tonight! That casserole looks absolutely delicious.

  8. I love schwartz spices as they add great flavour to all the dishes. Your casserole looks hearty and very tasty.

  9. Ooooh now I want a sausage casserole! That Schwartz mixture looks so easy to use, I might have to pick one up!

  10. I don't think I've tried using Schwartz spice mixes before. That dish looks absolutely delicious and I'd love to try making this someday.

  11. I love these sachets, I’ve tried a few! They make it so easy to throw together a flavoursome meal

  12. I love a sausage casserole - they are perfect for warming you up during the winter months! I love mine with tons of green veg - I could eat all the kale in the world right now.
    C x

  13. I love these little packets full of flavour, perfect for family meals
