

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Emotion Pets - Toffee The Pony **REVIEW**

**AD - Review**

A few months back Evelyn stumbled upon a show called Spirit - Riding Free over on Netflix and ever since then she has been absolutely besotted with horses! So much so in fact that she somehow even managed to convince us to spend a small fortune so she could go horse riding, but honestly her smile made it all worth while (even if it did rain the whole time!).

Since then she has been hooked, horses are her absolute favourite and she spends all day talking about horses, drawing pictures of horses, reading books and watching shows about horses and most of all playing horses. So I am sure you can imagine her excitement when Toffee the Pony from Emotion arrived on our doorstep for Evelyn to try out!

Toffee is an absolutely adorable soft toy pony with a range of interactive features that really make Toffee come to life.

Inside the box is a very cute, fluffy Toffee the pony soft toy as well as several accessories which you can use to interact with Toffee, these include a carrot and brush. Evelyn was a little disappointed to discover the brush wasn't an actual brush and was in fact just a plastic toy that "looked" like a brush. She loves brushing hair so just used a baby brush instead to do this and just used the brush included to play.

To bring Toffee to life you will need to insert 4 x AA batteries (not included) into a small compartment under his belly. This can be a bit tricky as the fur around the opening is quite tight so be careful not to rip or tear this when you do place the batteries inside.

Over all Toffee is very soft, his legs are fluffy, soft and bendy, this does mean though that Toffee is unable to stand on his legs but it does make him perfect for cuddling. His body is soft too although if you squeeze him hard enough you can feel the hard battery pack inside. You can also feel the mechanism inside the head too as well as the hard eyes.

Toffee Has 7 interactive features in total including making a number of realistic sounds and signals as well moving his head, ears and eyes. Toffee loves attention and affection and when he wakes up your child will need to work out what Toffee wants by the noises he makes and by his actions, does he want feeding, cuddles or something else? Evelyn has great fun trying to keep Toffee happy and loved it when wanted his tummy tickled especially.

Just like a real pet, Toffee gets spooked and scared by loud noises, he will close his eyes and cry until you comfort him. A great tool for educating kids about how to be kind, careful and not too loud around real life pets too.

Toffee the pony is aimed at children aged 2 + but I think he could absolutely be enjoyed by children way beyond that age too. It is priced at £44 and is available from most good toy stores including Argos and Very.

**We received a Toffee the Pony for the purpose of this review. However, all words, opinions and images are my own. **


  1. Aww my middle daughter would absolutely love this! She really enjoys caring for dolls or animals - I'll have to add this to her Christmas wishlist :)

  2. What a fabulous present for any child who is into horses and the Spirit show. The accompanying accessories are just super cute as well.

  3. I love these interactive toys not only are they cute but they do educate children in caring and looking after something else just as you would a real pet

  4. How cute is this!! Eliza is going through a pony phase and would adore playing with Toffee

  5. Aw Toffee the pony looks so adorable. My youngest would love this, he is obsessed with all things animals

  6. Toffee the pony is such a cutie!!! Loving the range of interactive features - this is perfect for my little boy!!!

  7. Toffee looks like a fantastic toy horse! This would definitely be popular with the little kids in my family.

  8. That pony looks absolutely adorable! Sounds like a great gift idea for kids this Christmas.

  9. Oh we’ve had toffee for years. All three
    Girls have absolutely loved him over the years

  10. How adorable! I love that he gets spooked and requires comfort, you're completely right - that's such a great way of teaching kids how to behave around animals.
