

Wednesday 6 November 2019

5 Fun Things To Do As A Family This Autumn

Autumn is in full swing now and, although the days are getting a bit chillier and the evenings are getting darker sooner, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy autumn as a family. 

For me, autumn is all about getting outside and exploring nature. Not only is autumn beautiful (and perfect for the 'gram!) but it's also such a fun time of year for children! There are muddy puddles to jump in, leaves to collect, bugs to hunt down and so much more.

There's a lot to be said for taking it easy on those rainy days too and enjoying some cosy time inside. Ultimately, there are tonnes of options for family fun activities in autumn, both inside and outside, but here are 5 of my favourites. 

5 fun things to do as a family this autumn. 

1. Make an autumn nature collage. Grab your wellies and a bag, head out into the parks/woodland/garden and collect as many colourful, interestingly shaped leaves as you can find. Don't forget a few twigs and other fallen nature bits. Head back inside, get warmed up and start gluing and sticking! We do this every year and it's really fun to get outside as a family and enjoy nature, before spending some quality time listening to the kid's imaginations unfold as they get crafty. 
2. Visit a farm. Autumn is the time for pumpkins, apples, pears, blackberries and more. Head to your nearest farm and see what the animals are up to in autumn, or find a pick-your-own orchard and gather yourself some scummy seasonal fruit. Don't forget your wellies! 
3. Get baking! If it's raining and miserable outside, how about ditching the wellies and raincoats for the day and opting for a day of baking tasty treats instead? There are tonnes of autumn inspired recipes to try out, from a traditional apple crumble to Halloween cookies and pumpkin pies. Try letting the kids take charge, you might be surprised at how well they do with minimal adult input. 
4. Have a family games night. Nothing beats getting cosy and competitive! If you don't have any of the classic board games to hand, you can always play games like Pictonary, Naughts and Crosses, Snap/other card games, Top Trumps or Charades. You don’t have to spend any money to have a great family games night. Playing console games also counts!
5. Go on a hilly hike and watch the sun set. There is one good thing about the evenings getting darker sooner - gorgeous sunsets! Why not get a bit of exercise and head up to the top of your nearest hill with a flask full of hot chocolate and a picnic blanket? The satisfaction of reaching the top and watching the sun set is something the whole family can enjoy together. 
Do you have any fun activities you and your family love doing in Autumn? 


*This is a guest post, you can find out more about the author of this post below.*

My name is Rachael and these are just a few of my favourite family things to do in autumn. For more ideas, you can head over to my blog, Lukeosaurus and Me. I blog about all things family and lifestyle related, from finance, recipes and crafts to days out with the children and fitness. You can follow me on social media too, where I share snippets of our family life featuring my 6 year old and my 1 year old boys. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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