

Friday 6 September 2019

Getting Your Home Ready For Autumn

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The kids are back at school, the darker evenings are drawing in and I don't know about you but I have definitely started pulling out my jumpers in the morning. Which can mean only one thing, summer is almost over and Autumn is on its way!

I have to admit that whilst I love summer, Autumn is my absolute favourite season. So now that Autumn is just a few weeks away I have been thinking about getting my home ready for those darker evenings and the colder weather, so I thought I would share some of my tips with you too.

Keep in the warmth

Nobody wants to be cold, especially not in your own home. But equally can you really afford to have the heating running all Autumn/Winter? I know I can't! So when Autumn starts creeping in I do a few things that help keep the warmth in my home.

Draft excluders are a great way to stop heat escaping under gaps in the doors and you will be surprised what a difference it makes at a relatively low cost to buy too. I use these especially around doors that may lead out to external doors as you can really feel the draft coming through when you move them. If you have really drafty spaces or doors you could even hang a thick heavy curtain behind the door for an even more effective way of stocking the cold getting in and the heat escaping.

I also start thinking about switching our summer duvets to our autumn/winter ones, although I do try and hang on until around October to do this to make sure we don't get any last little bits of summer creeping in. Plus don't forget about having some extra blankets laying around both on the bed and on any sofa's so you can always grab one if you start feeling a bit chilly.

Let there be light 

Before we know it those darker evenings turn to dark afternoons and you will be flicking the lights on as soon as the kids get home from school. But there are other ways to get that light in without having all the lights on all the time.

Candles are one of my favourites, they not only create a lovely cosy atmosphere in the home but they leave it smelling amazing too! If you are worried about having a candle burning or a naked flame in the home you can also get battery operated candles too. Whilst they won't smell like a traditional candle they still create that cosy feel in the home.

Its also important to ensure you are letting in as much natural light as possible so make sure you aren't blocking any natural light coming in through windows.


I try to declutter regularly throughout the year but usually have two big declutters a year. One around Easter before the summer holidays, then once in Autumn to get rid of all the stuff we accumulate over the summer holidays. But also to make room for all the Christmas stuff that will be appearing in just a few short months!

There is just something so satisfying about throwing about broken things and seeing your home decluttered and tidy (even if it does only last until the kids get home!). I also take this time to change up the kids books (and add in a few new Autumn/Winter themed ones), rotate toys so neglected toys get played and throw away or donate any toys which are now not used.

Make sure you aren't being ripped off! 

Autumn is a great time to be checking you are on the best tariff for your energy needs! We often forget out our heating costs over the summer as we rarely use it. However you might be in for a shock when you start using it again come Autumn and end up with a huge bill on your doorstep.

Take the opportunity to check your on the best energy tariff for you either my researching yourself or using a comparison site such as Go Compare or TopCashback you can even earn money from switching as well as saving money on your bill overall.

Spruce up the furniture

Furniture is a huge part of any room and changing it up can make a big difference when you are trying to create a new or different look. It can help set the mood and ambience for a room and even help you create that  hygge look that is always so popular around Autumn and Winter.

Whether you are looking for a cheap and simple idea such as adding new cushion covers, extra blankets or even using a throw over the sofa to change the look/colour of the sofa. Or you are really wanting to make a change with new custom made furniture to totally transform a space, changing your furniture is a sure fire way to make over any room. 

Dripping gutters and boiler cover 

When leaves, twigs and other debris start falling off the trees it can cause a real problem for guttering. The debris can cause guttering to become blocked and you might not even notice until the rain comes and you end up with an impromptu waterfall outside your window, or worse still the guttering breaks! I always try and remember to book in someone to come check and clear the guttering around the end of October when most of the leaves have fallen off the trees and it leaves the guttering nice and clear throughout winter.

Also don't forget to ensure your boiler is up to date with any servicing and that you have adequate cover in case your boiler breaks. We often neglect our boilers in the summer as we rarely use our heating etc. However come the Autumn we will start using it again and the last thing you want to be discovering when the cold weather is here is that you have no heating or hot water! Equally nobody wants to be facing a huge bill for boiler repairs right on top of Christmas which is why it can be so important to have that cover in place.

If you in receipt of certain benefits, it's also worth considering upgrading your boiler with a new energy efficient model, which could potentially save you thousands over its life....you can apply for one at Boilergrants.org.uk.

Dig out the slow cooker and recipe books

Whilst I love all the fresh vibrant fruit and vegetables that are available in abundance during the summer months, by Autumn I also can't wait to pull out my slow cooker for some proper comfort food too! You can't beat coming home from a long day at work, soaking wet from the rain, shivering from the inside out to be greeted by the delicious smell of the slow cooker cooking away.

The slow cooker is my go to gadget come the winter because I can throw something in on a morning and leave it cooking all day. Not only does it smell delicious come the afternoon but its minimum effort with maximum taste and you can create some delicious comfort food dishes that are perfect for the colder weather too. Giving you more time to throw on that onesie, grab a fluffy blanket and cosy up on the sofa after a delicious roast dinner.

How will you be getting your home ready for Autumn?


** This is collaborative post and I received a fee for this post. However all words and opinions are my own. **


  1. These are really nice and helpful tips. I am not a fan of the cold at all-- keeping warm would be THE first on the list.

  2. You guys are blessed to have 4 seasons. Here in PH we only have two and we actually don't need to prepare when it changes. Well, a bit but it has its pros too

  3. Our summers are too hot and sultry and so we vanish to Europe for a cooler weather. But I just love our Autumn and winters and our best period of the year has just started. Feeling excited just as you are.

  4. These are some cool and helpful tips. I guess many will be helped by these tips for the season.

  5. Actually there are some very helpful and useful ideas here. This will be going on my checklists for sure xx

  6. Decluttering is just a step everyone getting ready fro autumn must do! I hate cleaning when the season is super cold and in as much as possible, I go for minimalism. And also, warm hues around the house will be perfect!
