

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Is My Child Happy at School? - 3 Ways to Tell

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School can be a challenging time for children. Starting school is such a huge change for many children that many children can take some time to find their feet and start enjoying school. They may struggle with a particular subject or fall out with their friends from time to time which may seem like a small problem but to children these things can really take away from the enjoyment they get from school.

Sometimes however (if your children are anything like mine) you don't always get much out of them at the end of a school day and can usually only tell something may be up by their change in mood or attitude. If you are worried your child may not be able to tell you about their school life, there are some signs you can look for, particularly if your child is not happy in school.

By being aware of your child’s behaviour you should be able to spot any changes that require you to take action. Taunton School in Somerset have kindly shared their top three tips to help you tell if your child is unhappy at school and what you can do to help…

1. Are they reluctant to go to school or have you noticed a pattern of unusual behaviour in the mornings, such as irritability, stomach aches or crying? You may have also noticed that your child is frequently complaining of being unwell, without showing any physical symptoms of illness. This could be another sign that your child is unhappy at school.

2. Is your child misbehaving? Is he or she arguing or answering back, or even resorting to physical violence? This usually occurs to catch the attention of an adult when a child feels unable to explain their emotions.

3. Has your child become withdrawn? If you notice that your child is talking less to family and friends or spending more time alone or shut away in their bedroom, then they may be unhappy about something at school.

If you believe that your son or daughter may be struggling with something in their school life, the best thing to do is talk to your child. Communication is the most important factor here. You want to ensure that your child feels they can talk to you about anything that is bothering them. You want to remain positive and help them to understand that you will help them through whatever issues they are having. It is also a good idea to let their teacher know of any problems that they can help with, or look out for in the classroom.

It is so important that our children know they can open up to us, that we wont dismiss their issues or problems however big or small. I always try to encourage both my children to address issues or problems with the teacher there and then if they can, as often things can be sorted much quicker for your child the sooner the teacher is aware.

I have also found that allowing kids time to make friends or to play with school friends outside of school can be a real help too. It seems like our kids spend so much time in school with their friends, however when you really think about it their time to play can actually be quite limited. If you can try to arrange a trip to the park after school, inviting a friend round for tea or even arrange a day trip with a few other parents for the school holidays. All are great ways for your child to reinforce friendships and make new friends too, all of which can help your child enjoy school more.

Do your children enjoy school?


**This is a guest post in which I received a fee for. This post was written in collaboration with Taunton School.**

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