

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Understanding Your Childs Learning Style.

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Draw out the best in your children by understanding the way they learn…

Whether you’re a parent, carer or teacher, understanding the three main learning styles will help to guide the children in your care onto their very best path to learning; now and for their future.

Using their expertise in education, Mill Hill School explains that by learning the different types of learning styles, you will understand the ways in which children perceive and order information, what kind of activities you can use to aid your child’s learning and how you can help to bring out your child’s greatest strengths. 

As part of this process it is also important for parents and carers to understand their own learning styles. This is because, your style will impact how you teach and it may be different from your child’s learning style.

What are the three main learning styles?

The three different learning styles relate to which senses your child best learns through. Read through the learning styles below and try to identify your child’s and your own style…

Auditory (Listening and verbal learners)

This type of learner likes listening and then talking about what they have been learning. They are also more likely to retain information by saying things out loud.
Auditory learners benefit from having things verbally explained to them and enjoy discussion groups. Occasionally auditory learners may look like they’re not paying attention, but actually they are processing the information they have heard.

Visual learners

For visual learners they need to be able to see and illustrate what they are learning.

They are usually very good at remembering visual details and benefit from having instructions demonstrated to them.

It is a good idea to have pens and paper handy when teaching visual learners, as they like to write things down or doodle whilst listening.

Kinaesthetic (Tactile learners)

Kinaesthetic learners absorb information best through hands-on activities and movement. They process knowledge through physical sensations and want to touch and feel the world around them.

They may like to move around whilst listening and speaking, and often use hand movements to describe what they are talking about.

Kinaesthetic learners often enjoy subjects such as PE, Art and Drama where there are lots of activities to keep them moving.

Which learning style do you think you or your child match up with the most? 


**I received a fee for this post. This post is a guest post and was not written by myself. **

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