

Monday, 31 December 2018

My New Year Resolutions For 2019.

Just like lots of people across the world, as we prepare for New Year to ring in at midnight I have been thinking about the things I would like to achieve in 2019. Of course there are all the usual things like losing weight and saving money but this year those aren't going to be my main resolutions, this year I want to focus more on some slightly different resolutions. 

Spend more time doing things for me - I have always found doing things for myself or taking some time out for myself hard, it felt selfish and difficult to prioritise time for me. However its something I know I need to do even if its just something small. 

I have ordered a beginners dvd for Yoga as its something I would love to begin but have never found the time. Now both kids are at school im going to make the time to do it when I get home from the school run and before I start working! Im also going to make time to go out with friends. Evelyn has never been great at bed time and so I have always put off or declined offers of meeting up with friends for food or a catch up but always feel like I have missed out. Even if its just once every month or two its definitely time I need to connect with other adults since I spend my day either alone or with the kids. 

Start Saving to buy our first home - Renting has its perks and it has been great for us over the years (helped by having an amazing landlord) but in the long run we would love to buy our own home. We have made some enquires such as getting a mortgage in principal and used online calculators such as SoFi who have a great home affordability calculator, to give us an idea of where we need to be. Now we just need to start saving! 

Make a work schedule... and stick to it! - In September of 2018 I made a huge leap for me and decided to make a go at my blog as a job. I registered as self employed and it felt great, something I have been talking myself out of for sometime so it felt great to finally do it! 

Whilst it has been a fantastic feeling, earning my own money. Its definitely added some extra pressure and I feel like I am sat at my laptop or scrolling through my phone at every minute I get. I want to try and set myself a work schedule so I am working set hours in the day and can find time to put my laptop or phone down on an evening and just enjoy family time without feeling guilty. Of course the joys of working from home mean that's still flexible but its not healthy or making anyone happy with me being working every minute I get. 

Care less and love more - I hold my hands up and admit I spend far to much time caring and over thinking what other people think of me. Doubting whether I am good enough and changing myself to what I feel like I should be not what I am. 

But then I realised im doing it all wrong and probably giving my kids the wrong image at the same time too! I am me and I am enough. I am a mum, a wife and a woman. I am chatty, friendly and super nervous to try new things. I rarely wear make up or do my hair and I get nervous when I talk about my blogging. I am me and I am enough and for those people who don't think I am enough or who want me to be something im not, then perhaps your not meant to be in my life right now and that's ok with me! 

More camping adventures -  I can't lie, when my husband first suggested purchasing a tent many years ago I dragged my heels and came up with very reason why it was a bad idea! I hated the idea of camping and after a pretty unsuccessful attempt pre kids (think tiny two man tent, huge double air bed rammed into it, lots of rain and a dash to sleep in the car around 2am!) I wasn't too keen to try again. 

However last year he finally talked me round and we headed to Go Outdoors and purchased a rather large luminous green six man tent complete with carpet and enough camping chairs and air beds that we could fit in the car. We had our first camping trip in the summer holidays and it was so much fun! The kids laughed, they ran around and played ball games and enjoyed BBQ food in their swim costumes lounging in a camp chair. They stayed up late and watched the stars and woke up early to hear the birds. We felt a little free, away from tv screens and technology and really had to time to reconnect as a family something we didn't even realise we needed until we found it. 

I definitely want to plan a few more camping trips in 2019 and if you have any recommendations for great family friendly campsites in the UK please do share them below! 

Take more pictures, create more memories - As a blogger I am usually the person behind the camera and I am focused on getting "that" shot for whatever review or campaign I am trying to capture the picture for. But this year I want to use my camera and my love for taking pictures to capture the adventures and memories we enjoy as a family. Those images captured in the unsuspecting moment, the shots that capture the real adventure and the ones we will look back on years to come and chuckle and the memories we made. 

I am going to make a conscious effort to be in the picture too! Its so easy to hide behind the camera because I have no make up on or because I think I look fat. But I know that when I look back when the kids are grown I won't be thinking of those things, I will be remembering the moment, the laughter and how tiny my babies really were. This year I am going to be in the photo ugly laughter, no make up and awesome memories and all. 

As I said above, I also have lots of the typical goals too such as losing weight. Im going to be heading back to slimming world as the local group I attended at the beginning of 2018 was amazing and so supportive so im hoping they can keep me on track and get me to my goal. 

I want to try and clear off lots of our little niggling debts in 2019 too. Now that I have an income (woohoo) we want to clear of our debts and start some savings as buying a house with the help to buy scheme actually seems possible (if I squint a little and look farrrrr into the future!). It would also be nice to actually having a little savings pot or "spare" cash rather than always feeling like we are catching up with something or finding the money for something else. 

That's it really they are my goals and resolutions for 2019! Im not going to put too much pressure on myself, most of all im just going to enjoy every day as it comes as you just never know what the future holds do you? 

Do you have any New Year resolutions or goals for 2019?

Happy New Year everyone, here's to a happy and healthy 2019 filled with love, happiness and lots of new memories made. 


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