

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Investing More Time In Creating New Memories

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When I think back to my childhood I have so many precious memories. Trips to the beach, caravan holidays in the rain and exciting Christmas mornings opening our stocking presents on my mums bed. When I was a child we didn't have all of the smart phones and social media that we do now and so a lot of my memories are exactly that, memories in my mind but that doesn't make them any less special. They are right there, the moment, the feeling and the reminders of childhood which I will treasure forever.

Thinking about these memories has got me thinking about the memories I have made with my own children. Its so easy to get caught in the idea of "capturing that moment" on camera but I don't want my children to only have the photos, I want them to have the memory too. Those warm fuzzy feelings when they think back to their childhood or when seeing something so simple that brings back a rush of a memory that makes you feel all warm inside.

It made me think, are we really investing enough time in creating new memories as a family? Part of my new years resolution this year is going to be about being more present in the moment. Putting down the camera and my phone and being present in the memory and the moment rather than just being the person behind the camera. I don't want my children to look back in the future and realise that I was never there just enjoying the moment because I was too worried about capturing the perfect picture to remember it with instead.

When we think about it, its pretty amazing what our minds can remember. Those childhood memories that live hidden deep at the back of our minds which spring into action at the sight, smell or memory of something. Those are the kind of memories I want my children to have! Even at just 4 and 9 years old they have started recalling memories already, Evelyn couldn't stop laughing the other day at the sight of a spider and she recalled how daddy had screamed and begged up to pull over when he saw a spider on his leg in the car once. James often recalls holiday memories and little things we have done and as a parent I absolutely love hearing them recalling that memory with such joy and happiness.

Memories don't just have to be those baby milestones and big moments, memories can be made for the rest of our lives. Whether we are 1 or 100 new memories are being made all of the time and they are all just as precious and special as the very first one. Realising just how important memories are has made me realise that I need to invest more time in creating new memories with my children, for me and them to treasure.

They won't all be big things or cost a lot of money but more about spending time with important people, making new friends, experiencing new things, taking unexpected and exciting trips (maybe even a camping trip or two!). Its about the moment, the happiness we feel and knowing that in years to come when we think back to that moment we will feel that same happiness as we recall every memory we have made together.

Do you have any special memories you love to recall? I would love to hear them in the comments below.


**This is a collaborative post. I received payment for creating this post. However all words and opinions are my own and I retain full control of this post.**


  1. It's very true - I am definitely guilty of spending too much time trying to capture the moment rather being 'in it'. It's something I want to work on going into 2019 :)

  2. I love the sentiment here. I find it a difficult balance between revording for the blog and enjoying the moment.

  3. I think, with me, it’s not so much about taking less photos but banning phones etc at the dinner table so we can all actually talk! Last night I looked up from checking emails to find both children eating while watching their ipads. It’s my fault as I’m guilty too, so I need to change the house rules!

  4. Our motto is "Collect Moments, not things" and we have so many special moments, which is great

  5. I want my kids to have sweet memories of their childhood. I need to invest more time in creating them.

  6. Even a few minutes can create a new memory for a child. When I think back to my childhood, it's the little moments that stick in my mind.
