

Monday, 20 June 2016

Some days I want to "quit" being a parent!

Before I became a parent I worked in a local cafe for several years and believe me there were times then when I could have thrown off my apron and yelled I quit and a swiftly exited the building, I didn't. However since becoming a parent I have never felt the want to quit some days like I have now.

Don't get me wrong being at work has its own set of challenges and I am in no way saying it easy, but there is something about the 24/7 job of being a parent that makes me want to yell "I QUIT" as soon as my husband walks through the door.

I love my kids don't get me wrong, they make me smile on days I didn't think it possible they make me laugh and make me so proud all the time. However they also drive me mad sometimes! Take today for example I was awoken at 6am because James and Evelyn were bickering over who gets to play with the slimy plastic slug James had acquired free with a magazine first. I just led there for a moment thinking "really" is this really what my life has become im listening to people arguing over a slug!

Its the monotonous things like the never ending washing pile, the never ending school, swimming, after school club runs that seem to multiply each week. Its the loneliness and the fact the only person you have to hold a conversation with is a 2 year old who just wants Bing Bunny. Its the bickering over silly little things which you feel like burning just to end the shrieking. We don't quit though we keep going because we kind of have too.

So does that make me a bad parent? Maybe in some peoples eyes but do I mind no not really. Im not perfect, far from it in fact. Im just a mum trying to do her best and some days I want to quit I want to throw it all in and if that means I don't get to be in the "perfect mum brigade" so be it. I would much rather be honest and tell other mums that its ok to feel this way its ok to feel like you can't wait for the day to end. Its ok to want to quit sometimes and it doesn't make you a bad parent far from it it makes you real it makes you normal.

But really I will never quit! Being a mum is the hardest most emotionally challenging job I think I will ever be faced with but in reality its the most rewarding too. When they are all grown up and I think about those tough days when I wanted to throw in the towel I will wonder what all the fuss was about. When I gaze at these grown children I can take credit in the fact that I was there to watch them grow, to help them learn and in the future, I will be there to tell them that being a parent in hard and nobody is perfect and that is ok!

Chin up mums and dads we can do this!



  1. Beautiful post, I've written about this same thing and I constantly feel it in life and I think if mums are honest we all have at some point. It really is the hardest thing to do, not to be a mum but to be on call all day everyday. Like you say, it's so rewarding a lot of the time but when you're there 24/7 sometimes it's hard to fully appreciate the beauty of having kids and you forget to sit and enjoy it!

  2. I'm sad to say that sometimes I really wish I didn't have the kids! But thankfully, I realise its because I'm so busy giving them my all, constantly and with love, that actually what I wish is for a break! Everyone feels like it some of the time I think x

  3. I think all parents get frustrated some times. I know I could be a right pain in the neck when I was a kid! I'd be a bad parent, too, because I don't have much patience.

    Corinne x

  4. Aww I can only imagine how hard it must be being a parent from time to time. x

  5. We all have days like these, parenting is such a hard job and can be so lonely at times too. Chin up lovely x

  6. I can't really comment as I am not a parent but I bet it is tough and it is totally normal to want to go back to a time when you didn't have kids. x

  7. I am a mum of four and wouldn't change a thing - but my, it is trying at times. It is the hardest job in the world. Kaz x

  8. Well said, there is no such thing as the perfect parent or child for that matter and its ok to say that your struggling. Being a parent is tough x

  9. IT's hard being a mum and no it doesn't make you a bad parents at all. Everyone craves and needs time on there own from time to time and some days I don't even want to adult lol. It's hard work.We all have days like this hun, you are not alone. xx

  10. It's all worth it in the end, I remember despairing some of the time but now they're all grown up, I look back at it all wondering how I ever managed, but you just do.

  11. i totally get how you feel. Sometimes I wish i could quit being unwell and go back to the old days. :)

  12. Parenthood is hard, it's not glamorous but it's worth it in the end. Anyone who says it's a bunch of roses is lying lol. Refreshing post :)

  13. It's easy to quit something thats5not important to you. It's impossible to quit being a mum, no matter how annoyed or down it can get you :)

  14. I can not even imagine what it must be like being a parent. Hang in there you are doing great
