

Friday, 1 January 2016

New Years Resolutions!

Happy New Year everyone!!

Whilst I would love to lose a little weight, get fitter and healthier and well wouldn't we all like to have a bit more money in 2016 my actual New Years resolutions for 2016 are a little different.

This year my 2016 is going to be all about FAMILY! Its time for me to put down my phone and step away from social media and my laptop a little more and create more of those precious family memories.

This year I want to be spontaneous and fun, family trips to the beach to watch the sunset, trips to the zoo, last minute weekends away and walks in the woods to explore. I am sure I am not the only one who has all these great ideas but when it comes to it we end up at the same local park wishing we had done more whilst the sun was shining. So as 2016 begins we are heading out to buy wellies and a tent and to plan more adventures.

I want my children's minds and memories to be filled with fun, adventure and experiences to remember. I want them to see me as that fun mum that makes them happy not that mum always on her phone whilst they entertain themselves. When they look back at their memories I want them to remember us as a family doing things together not them enjoying themselves whilst my face is buried in updating my Facebook about the fun we are having, that can wait but memories cant!

So that is my plan for 2016 and beyond, do you have any New Years resolutions?

I am wishing you all a happy, healthy and magical 2016 filled with everything you are hoping for.

Love to all xx


  1. Being tech-free more often is something I aspire to do - easier said than done though I'll get! Good luck xx

  2. Planning more adventures are the best kind of resolutions. Have fun!

  3. I love your resolutions. My brother got us a family year pass for the zoo for Christmas so we will definitely be making the most of that.

  4. Love your plan, wonderful memories with the kids is what you will all look back on and cherish in years to come. Best of Luck!

  5. This is a great resolution. Stepping away from the phone and social media would prob be harder for me than going on a diet, but this is for much better reasons! Best of luck with it. I can't promise to join in; too addicted!

  6. The best resolution ever! I was only thinking about stepping away from the laptop and social media last night. It spurs on the mummy guilt when you're sat on your phone and the little ones are left to play on their own doesn't it? :(

  7. Happy New Year to you. This sounds like a great plan, I love sharing experiences with my family. We are all about making memories in 2016 too

  8. Happy New year to you too! I want to make lots of meaningful memories this year so hopefully I can and I want to make my blog reach a wider audience.
