
Saturday, 26 September 2015

Gross Magic Set **REVIEW** and GIVEAWAY!

**AD - Review**

Most kids and adults alike love the wonder and mystery that comes with magic. That jaw dropping moment when a trick goes right and it leaves you guessing and wondering exactly how they even did it? I know as a kid I was always intrigued by magic and would wish I could learn some cool tricks to show my friends! But now kids really can get stuck in with learning some pretty cool (and gross!) magic tricks with the Gross Magic set from Drumond Park. 

The Gross Magic set is full to bursting with truly outrageous gags, tricks and spell binding magic that will have even the grown ups wondering how you did it (well that or totally grossed out, but either works for kids right?). The set combines amazing magic with fantastically gross tricks and with so many tricks to learn it is sure to keep the kids busy. 

Before you know it kids will soon be expertly slipping from revolting tricks to stomach turning gags with a little bit of practice and the help of the Gross Magic set. The set comes with instructions on how to complete the tricks which are clear and easy to read. Some tricks did require more practice than others.

Complete with everything you really need to get going, this set is definitely great value for money and is full to the brim with props and other gross items to aid in your gross trickery! The set contains enough products to complete over 40 tricks. Intrigued what is inside? Think slime, poo, cockroaches and eyeballs and your half way there! Although there are many many more as you can see from the picture. Of course what Gross Magic set would be complete without a few bogie tricks and this set definitely has several of those!

James absolutely loves this set and has spent so much time perfecting his tricks, grossing us all out and cackling hilariously when he pulls a trick or prank on us! Whilst the set is aimed at ages 8+ James is only 6 and still thoroughly enjoyed playing this with just a little bit of help. Some of the tricks did require some practice but I think this would be the case for an 8 year old too. James found it hilarious to scare his Nanny with the fake cockroaches and amaze his Grandad by making poo stained loo roll clean again!

The set feels great value for money especially since most of the contents can be used time and time again and so will get plenty of use. It's a set that can grow with kids and of course as they get better they will get more and more fun and use out of the set. The products inside feel like great quality and despite already having lots of play and wear from James trying the tricks they all still look as new. 

The Gross Magic set is priced at £19.99 and is aimed at children aged 8+. To find a stockist visit the Drumond Park website.

Do you know someone who would love the Gross Magic set? Then why not enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below.

Giveaway open to UK residents only. Winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter and then emailed via the email address provided during entry. Winner will need to reply within 28 days or another winner will be randomly selected from the correct entrants. Prize will be provided via company. 

**I was not paid for this post, I was sent this item in return for an honest review. **


  1. Rabbit out of a hat!


  2. A bunny out of a hat - have seen it happen and was amazed!

  3. I like watching Dynamo - levitating person always amazes me.

  4. i went to see criss angel in vegas he was fab

  5. I like the one where they saw someone in half.

  6. Definitely when I saw a magician made someone 'disappear' from his magic box!

  7. I saw a magician make a large duck appear out of a small hankerchief that had "fallen" onto pool side tiles. No idea how he did it!

  8. When they saw someone in half always wondered how they did it x

  9. I have always loved magic. I love seeing people levitate, confuses me so much, lol! If you haven't seen it already you much watch Now You See Me- it's a great film :) x

  10. Me & my son love magic :D Our favourite trick was when Dynamo walked on water. Amazing!

  11. I love the trick where you magician changes his clothes within seconds, I wish I could get changed that quickly

  12. I love all card tricks they are fascinating

  13. I always like it when they cut someone in half

  14. Pulling the rabbit out the hat.

  15. mine would be card tricks, any tbh i just love them :)

  16. Dynamo - everything he does is magic!

  17. anything to do with levitation

  18. I love vanishing acts, it always amazes me how the magician (or his assistant) vanishes and reappears elsewhere

  19. I love the coin behind the ear trick!

  20. I love all of Dynamos tricks they are just mind boggeling x x

  21. Best magic trick I saw was in vega when a magician floated a white tiger in the air. To this day I have no idea how he did it x

  22. I saw one once where a chap seemingly made a bird cage, complete with dove, appear in his hands from nowhere.

  23. i like magic tricks ive been watching tricked on itv xx

  24. my teenage son had gross majic he loved it.

  25. I saw David Copperfiled Live in Vegas on my honeymoon, he made a motorbike dissapear, about 10 ft in front of me.... it was amazing!!!!

  26. there was a girl on BGT and he disappeared with her motorbike, it was really clever!

  27. My favourite is anything by Dynamo!

  28. I love everything about Dynamo... he is an increidble magician!

  29. When a person disappears and reappears somewhere else

  30. The Cup and Ball Trick with the great Paul Daniels.

  31. I always cringe when I see the lady cut in half

  32. I like close up magic, it feels more personal, and when people can make things appear from no where i always find that impressive

  33. Rabbit out of a hat never gets old

  34. It was at my nieces wedding and they had a magician to entertain the guests,and he had a coin that we were told to examine,we did and it was an ordinary 1p.he then asked my husbands name put a cloth over it and when he removed the cloth the coin had vanished bu he reached behind my husband's ear and when he pulled it out it had my husbands name on it !

  35. it was that card trick on britains got talent this year, but cant remember name of the bloke that did it

  36. My kids love magic tricks, but they freak me out! I don't like not understanding how things work lol

  37. I love pulling things out from behind ears!

  38. Producing a white rabbit out of a top hat

  39. I'm not sure but I like to watch Jonathan Creek and used to love Paul Daniels when I was little!

  40. My kids do a great one - they make cakes disappear

  41. I saw Dynamo perform at Glastonbury...everything he does amazes me

  42. Pulling coins from behind ears to give to me as my uncle used to do it to me as a child :)

  43. Sawing someone in half is one of my favourites, its always good to watch x

  44. I have no personal favorite as these days everything is mind bogglingly fab, as a kids trick I don't think you can beat pulling a real rabbit out of a hat

  45. I saw Penn and Teller in Las Vegas and they did an amazing magic trick catching a bullet.

  46. In Las Vegas I saw a magician make a car disappear - that was impressive

  47. I saw a magician in Las Vegas making birds appear & reappear in a cage.

  48. The one where it appears they put a playing card through a solid piece of glass

  49. I like disappearing or re appearing tricks

  50. I love Dynamo's phone in a bottle trick.

  51. I like it when they make things disappear and then I spend ages trying to work out how and what, never do though.

  52. I love the tricks where the magician is suddenly over the other side of the theatre/room - how do they do that??

    Kelly-Ellen Hirst

  53. I am just now watching Dynamo on TV. He is just amazing!

  54. has to be the rabbit out the hat trick

  55. anything Dynamo does, can't wait to see him on tour
