

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Evelyn!!

Yesterday was Evelyn's 1st Birthday!!

Im not going to lie plenty of tears have been shed, happy tears of course for my beautiful blossoming little girl who is growing so quickly before my eyes. There were of course a few sad tears mixed in there, knowing my tiny baby girl is growing she is becoming more and more independent and doesn't "need" mummy for half as much now!

Evelyn of course is loving all of the attention  and has been thoroughly spoilt by all of our lovely friends and family. We held her a little Gruffalo tea party on the weekend and you can see that HERE.

I cant believe this tiny baby girl I brought home from the hospital....

Has become this very cheeky 1 year old little lady with a mind all of her own....

This year has been tough, we have all had to adjust to becoming a family of 4 and James has done us so proud in becoming an amazing big brother. 

There have been tears and tantrums from Me and Evelyn! But more than that there have been so many more smiles and love filling this house and filling our hearts. Its been an amazing first year Evelyn and I can't wait to see you grow even more over the next year. 



  1. Awww bless her she is adorable! Happy Birthday Evelyn xx

  2. Aaaw look at how cute she is!

    Happy Birthday x x

  3. Oh she is so cute - Happy First Birthday Evelyn! x

  4. Aww, happy birthday. It's scary how quickly children grow up. I feel happy sad whenever I look at my gorgeous girls

  5. Ahhh, what a difference with those side by side carseat pictures. Happy birthday Evelyn!

  6. Oh so cute, what a little peach. Happy birthday Evelyn :)

  7. She is a cutie. It's lovely to see how she has grown, don't children grow up fast? It only seems like yesterday my son was starting school and his last day is tomorrow

  8. Oh what a little cutie she is - Happy First Birthday Evelyn!

  9. oh wow how much change has been i 1 year ,

  10. Happy Birthday to gorgeous Evelyn. That transition from one to two really is tricky isn't it?

  11. Aww hope she had a lovely birthday - she shares it with my oldest niece :)

  12. Aw such lovely photos. I hope she had a lovely birthday, such a milestone!

  13. Happy birthday to your little lady, there is so much change in that first yea, such a special time. Mich x

  14. Hope she enjoyed her birthday, my baby will be 4 soon and I have no idea where the time has gone!

  15. Such a cutie - Happy Birthday Evelyn xx
