

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Are you parenting the "right" way?

When it comes to parenting its something everyone seems to have an opinion on and lets face it there are so many decisions to make when it comes to making parenting choices.

For me there is only one way to parent.... YOUR way!

We are all different our children are not the same and neither you or your baby is a robot programmed to behave and react the same way as every other parent/ baby around. What works for some may not work for others and well that's ok!

So you chose to breastfeed your baby, well done you are giving your baby some lovely nutritious mummy milk and nurturing your child all by yourself good luck on your journey mummy, so you are giving your child formula well done you are feeding your child keeping them happy, content and daddy can help too well done mummy!

It frustrates me when mums attack other mums about their parenting choices, as mum's do we not already all realise just how HARD parenting is without being judged by the people we should be able to lean on for support!?

This is me and my babies and we look pretty happy right!? Can you tell how I parented my children? Can you tell is I breastfed or whether their bums were wrapped is cloth or disposables? Can you tell how I get them both to sleep at night.... No. But what you can see (hopefully) is 2 very happy smiley and pretty darn healthy babies with their very proud mummy. None of the above should matter can we not just support each other?

So whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed, cloth nappy or disposables, hypno-birth or c-section can we not all just support each other and our happy babies regardless of our choices. If you sat 10 babies in a row would you really be able to tell how each one was fed or how each one sleeps? Probably not!

After all aren't we all after the same goal happy and content children with happy and content parents? So lets support each other as parents and our happy healthy beautiful babies rather than judging others!


Kiddycharts Blog


  1. That is one thing that really bugs me "oh why are you doing it that way, I would...." argh just ssshh lol. Like you say we all do things differently and it depends on the child too xx

  2. Yep, time we all stopped judging and started accepting people do things differently.

  3. It is silly that people sometimes seem so stuck in there views they cannot even start to understand someone else's.

  4. Oh this is so true! We all need a massive pat on the back no matter what we choose! :)

  5. I think having opinions is natural, often they should be kept to yourself though! I do think it's more important to raise awareness if health issues are at stake though, most parents would be up in arms if you let a 14 year old smoke for example, it's shades of grey rather than black and white ;)

  6. It is amazing how opinionated we are as human beings, at the end of the day the gut instinct is there and if you do what you consider your best to me, then no one has the right to criticise x

  7. Well said! You're absolutely right that of course we can't tell how you fed your babies etc and what matters is that each mum should have the confidence in her own decisions.

  8. its one thing that really annoys me , being judged and told how to parent when we all know our own children are individuals and need their own individual learning ways

  9. Very true, I hate it when people criticise others people's choices. It's hard enough as it is. Sometimes the health visitors are just as bad with their opinions.

  10. I'd never experienced as much judgemental behaviour as I did when I became a mum. Not to me directly exactly, but just people talking about others in a very harsh way. It's quite astonishing, really.

  11. We all have to go with what suits our families and crcumstances, that is the best parenting in every case. Mich x

  12. You're right, we're all just trying to do the best for our families and what works for one set of parents and children may not work for another set.

  13. GREAT post!!! I competely agree on everything you`ve said and your babies look super healthy and happy :) xx

  14. I have to admit that I hate been told how to parent and pretty much always do the opposite of what I am being told lol

  15. Oh I hate it when people batter each other with the bad parent stick - most of us are doing the best we can and doing a damn fine job, whatever our choices may be!

  16. I love this! Happy healthy kids are what matter, how you get them there is your business x

  17. I do the very best I can for my children - and I do make mistakes. But they know I love them more than anything. And we are so very close :) Kaz x

  18. Absolutely - very well said. Thanks for linking up, and displaying the badge too, for the parenting pin it party. Cheers, Helen
