

Thursday 9 April 2015

My Little World books **REVIEW**

James loves books especially since he started school and can now read lots of words himself! Reading with children is something I have always thought to be such an important thing to do with children as it has so many benefits as well as providing some quality time with your child.

So when we were contacted by Little Tiger kids to review some new books that were being released very soon we of course jumped at the chance!

The first book we received was for Evelyn and it was called "Thank you".

Although Evelyn cannot read yet we still ensure we read to her on a regular basis and this book has a finger puppet incorporated for another aspect of the book which really held her interest!

Thank you from Little Tiger helps teach children about saying thank you. It reinforces the importance of manners in a fun, enjoyable and accessible way all with the help of a doggy finger puppet!

We have read this book several times since receiving it and Evelyn loves the finger puppet, even James has been sitting with us and reading along. The pictures are clear and bright and the words within the book are kept short and simple, perfect for younger children to understand. The book is also wipe clean so if mucky baby fingers want to touch and play with the book its easy to clean.

The book is aimed at children aged 0-3 years and is priced at £6.99.

The second book we received was for James and was actually more of an activity pack than a book. It was called Farm and is a sticker book and jigsaw!

The Farm pack comes in a sturdy box with a plastic handle and is perfect for keeping the jigsaw in. I particularly loved the idea of sticker book, It not only was a fun sticking activity but it actually had a story inside too, so it can be used again even once the stickers have been used! You basically read along the story and add the animal stickers that it asks for on each page.
The jigsaw had large chunky pieces but still had plenty of pieces making it just challenging enough for James who is 5.

James loved the combination of the puzzle and book and its great that both items can be used time and time again and kept safe inside the durable box they come in. This set is aimed at children aged 3-5 years and is priced at £8.99.

You can find these books and more from My Little world range of books here - www.littletiger.co.uk

Do you own any My little world books? If so whats your favourite?


* I was not paid for this review. All opinions given are my own.
* If you would like me to review your product or service, please email me on xJessLegresleyx@hotmail.com.


  1. Finger puppet books are great for engaging the reader. Great review.

  2. It's never to early to start looking at books! These are so lovely and colourful, perfect for little ones x

  3. What some lovely sounding books, I like the fact they have a bit of interactiveness about them.

  4. How cute is that thank you book, with the toy as well! I am a big believer of giving babies books, if they grow up with a love of books then hopefully they will be better readers in the long term.

  5. Aww they look like fab books. They look really pleased with them x

  6. We have lots of Little Tiger Press books, they are gorgeous! x

  7. My sons are a little older, we adore reading together. The little finger puppet book is to cute, and i love the activity reading pack, both fabulous. Anything that engages a child to read, is brilliant. Every home needs books. Thank you

  8. Gorgeous books, always did love finger puppet books!

  9. oh i always love a book with a little something extra like a play toy teddy for little ones

  10. I love the first one with the finger puppet! xxx

  11. I particularly love the finger puppet book. We have a few here that my kids love, even Cameron who is 'too grown up for baby books' loves reading it!

    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x

  12. Books with something a little extra/different are always more appealing. I love how vibrant and attractive these are too x

  13. awww I have never seen these books before but they look fab :-)

  14. We love finger puppet books here - these look lovely

  15. My twins would love the farm book, looks really fun

  16. those books look alot of fun can not beat a finger puppet book!

  17. What great books. Board books are perfect for younger kids who rip paper ones. You can never have too many books

  18. love board books , there is nothing better than reading

  19. Stickers and puzzles with a book would go down really well in this house!! These sound like a great collection.
