

Friday 6 February 2015

Wishing Time Away.

When I look back through time I have recently realised I have been wishing my time away far to soon especially when it comes to my babies!

Whilst I was pregnant with both my babies I wished for time to speed up so that the morning sickness would go and I could finally meet by tiny baby. I wished every single month away wishing it was time to meet my baby. I was just so impatient to meet each one of them.

When my baby was finally born I wished time again all to soon again. It was the chase of the milestones we all seem too eager for our babies to meet. That first try of food, the first tooth to come through. Before you know it we are wishing the tiny babies from our arms to get down and crawl and then to walk.

It was then I realised I had wished my time away. The time in nursery seemed to zoom by and before I knew it this little baby I had welcomed into the world was heading in to the big world of school.

Its so easy to wish time away but looking back now it has made me realise I don't want time to zoom by, those milestones can wait and so can walking! I am going to sit back and enjoy every moment of playing Lego with my son and enjoying those cuddles from my little girl before she is to busy playing with her friends to give them to me.

So for now time you can slow right down, growing up can wait for my babies for now im enjoying their company, cuddles and love!



  1. Very true, i think we all need to sit back and enjoy the present some times, life goes fast enough!

  2. I totally agree - I often want to pause time....but I'm also guilty of chasing those milestones. Life does go too fast though.

  3. It goes so very fast, and it is so easy to let it go by without actually taking the time to enjoy! xx

  4. Great post, I look back at when my boys were newborn and I can't believe how quickly time has gone. I'd happily freeze time and stay like this!

  5. I always tell people not to hurry that time because it really does whizz by...my eldest is nearly 21...gulp.

  6. first of all ,wowzers, you certainly did have a huge bump ,amazing, secondly this is so corect always wishing time away and not cherishing it while we have it good or bad x

  7. You're right about not wishing the time away....but then, it's not always easy when you have a screaming baby/tricky toddler on your hands! I try to tell myself the same thing every day. These days are so, so precious.

  8. It's such a cliche, but it's so true when they say that time flies by. My daughter turns 6-years-old soon and I can't believe I've been her mum for so long now. It seems like yesterday when she was a tiny baby and I often wonder where the time has gone.

  9. It goes too fast! My eldest is 18, no idea how that happened! My youngest is 3 and having older kids made me aware of how fast it goes so I am trying to treasure it - still flying by tho!

  10. Yes, time is going WAY too fast. Hayden is 3 in a few months & I can't believe it. Might be time to give him a sibling LOL. Your little ones are super cute hunny.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Charlotte x

  11. I was like that with my first, however, I tried everything possible to slow my second down but she was having none of it! I have a feeling time is going to zoom by even faster with my third!

  12. Sometimes I wish time slow down too, it seems to be going so extremely fast lately

  13. It really does go by too quickly, doesn't it? Trying to slow down never works for us though.

  14. Time definitely does fly, I can't believe it is February already x

  15. People always say that time goes fast but it really does just fly. Amelia will be 18months next week and that is just absolutely mad!! Lets hope it slows down for us both for a little. Thanks for linking up! #MummyMonday x

  16. I can identify with what you've said. Now is the time for more cuddles.

  17. I always do this and always seems to realise it a little too late. I really hope to make the most of this summer before F starts school! x
