

Thursday 19 February 2015

Half term fun - Using up old wallpaper.

This week I have been searching for ideas to keep James entertained as he is home all week for half term. 

We were stuck indoors today thanks to some pretty heavy rain and no car to venture anywhere. So I had a rummage round and found some old half used rolls of wallpaper from when we decorated our living room. 

I simply got out a selection of pains, pens, pencils, stamps and glitter pens and placed them on the floor.

I then unrolled a part of the wall paper but so it was plain side up and tah-dah a massive plain space for your little artists to let their imaginations run wild! 

James absolutely loved it and had great fun painting all of his favourite super heroes on it and then creating a trail of "foot prints" on another part of the paper. It kept him happy for ages and it cost next to nothing! So if you have some old part rolls of wall paper laying around then this is a fab fun way to use them up. 

Here is part of James masterpiece

Do you have any low cost ideas to keep children entertained? Please do share with us below!



  1. What a fantastic idea! I will need to keep this in mind. Angela x

  2. I remember doing this as a child and having a great time. We use a roll of paper from ikea to achieve similar now. James' creation is lovely. I bet he had a great time doing it.

  3. Such a simple and effective idea, my boy would love this! xxx

  4. What a great idea and I love James' creation.

  5. Great idea and kids love it so much having such a long stretch of paper to create on

  6. It's always great to get creative. I've seen some great red rice sensory boxes online for Chinese new year which looks like lots of fun. x

  7. What a brilliant idea! Love this - I'm going to go find some old wall paper that's laying around for Hayden to use.
    Thanks hunny
    Charlotte x

  8. Such a cost effective idea, make sure it's not your designer spare wallpaper though :)

  9. We do this too, although I have to say you are brave doing it on the carpet lol

  10. this is such a fab idea! i think my little guy would love this, i might take a roll outside and do some next time its dry

  11. great idea I love giving kids a huge piece of paper and let them just get going. Do link up with fabulously frugal too. We love seeing money saving posts!

  12. Great idea to use left over wall paper, although not sure I'd trust mine on carpet with pain!

  13. I think this looks like a great idea! X

  14. aww this looks like a lovely idea! thanks for sharing! x
