

Friday 9 January 2015

Evelyn's 7 month update.

It doesn't even feel real writing it, My little girl is 7 months old today ! 

Time has flown by and it feels like every day that passes she gets a little bit bigger and much more cheekier. She is slowly gaining her own little personality and is such a happy, chilled out baby although when it comes to waiting for food or milk her inner diva definitely comes out! 

Evelyn is now sitting up unaided for several minutes at a time (before getting lazy and flopping to one side lol), She also now rolled from her back to her front and onto her back again. She can also stand up whilst holding on to our hands or holiding on to her toys, this is her latest trick and she is so pleased with herself when she does it. 

She has her 2 bottom teeth now but we are still waiting for the 2 top teeth to come through but these seem to be taking forever. 

Evelyn is loving food and exploring food. We are going with the moto of "food is fun until their 1" and so Evelyn is just having lots of fun trying new flavour, textures and tastes and is basically having what we eat along with some extra fruit, veg and yoghurts. As you can see she loves her food lol. 

(I would like to add she didn't actually eat any of this it was just for a picture)

James and Evelyn are still super close and she always has a smile for her big brother. Now she is getting more confident with sitting up James has loved being able to sit down with her and she her toys and play with them with her. He gives her a big kiss and cuddle every morning before he heads into school and it melts my heart seeing them together. I am sure once Evelyn is old enough to get hold of his transformer toys and chew them we will have a few tantrums and arguments but until them I am enjoying the love they both have for each other in all its cuteness! 

Happy 7 months baby girl!



  1. Aaaw what cute photos. I love that motto about food - I think people often get hung up on this and it makes stress where it really isn't needed x x x

  2. Ah how sweet. It becomes so much fun when babies get a bit older and start to do more, interact with the rest of the family. Yes you're right though, when she's a bit bigger some of the brotherly cuddles will turn into squabbles! ;)

  3. What a lovely update. It's fantastic the kids are so close, I'm sure it will stay that way despite any tiffs!

  4. aw how lovely, i so wish i had done this with mine but back then i knew nothing about blogging , they are at a great age at 7 months , enjoy


  5. They grow so quickly, so lovely to see that she is sitting unaided allowing so time to play with her big brother.

  6. Ah these are such lovely pictures, I can never believe how fast the time goes x

  7. Lovely pictures, I remember Boo at 7 months, it's a lovely age... enjoy!

  8. She's such a cutie - and doing so well to be standing already!

  9. OMG 7 months already! And wow those eyes are amazing

  10. It's amazing just how quickly they grow up. Make the most of every day. Lovely photos x

  11. Oh wow looks growing up so fast, have to say love the look of that huge gingerbread man yum yum.

  12. Aww I love this, it reminds me of when my boy was small, it seems like a lifetime ago now even though it was only a few years :) xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  13. Ohhh look at her! how cute ! Love the idea of food is fun till they are 1 !

    Rachael , from - http://awesomebeforeautism.blogspot.co.uk/

  14. They grow up so fast! Lots of lovely photos and memories to cherish :)

  15. Time just goes by so quickly! Enjoy every moment while you can.

  16. Awww bless her - I loved this age!

  17. Aw bless her and that last photo is wonderful x

  18. The brother and sister click is so cute. Your baby is growing up.

  19. The photo at the end I think sums everything up, hopefully they will remain that close!

  20. Its scary how fast they grow isn't it - lovely photos

  21. wow that is one giant gingerbread man! What a little cutie! x

  22. Such a lovely age and one where they seem to grow so fast, enjoy every second!
