

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Almost 2015!

Can you believe it is almost the end of 2014! 

For me this year has seemed to whirl passed my eyes in a matter of seconds leaving behind a whole bag of mixed emotions but mostly these are happy ones. I watched my son leave nursery and start at big school, I gave birth to my baby girl and I have seen James become an amazing big brother. 
This year has also been tough with a horrible pregnancy where I was feeling sick and in a lot of pain the whole way through. Family members have been poorly and we have had to move house totally unexpectedly whilst I was 7 months pregnant!  

To top it all off Christmas was a bit of a write off for us this year. I began feeling ill Christmas eve morning but by Christmas eve night everyone in the house was ill. By Christmas morning we all had soaring temperatures, nasty coughs and stuffy blocked up noses. We tried our best to make the most of it and James LOVED finding that Santa had been and opening all of his presents. 
We had to cancel our Christmas lunch as we were all too poorly to eat anything and the rest of Christmas day was spent snuggled on the sofa watching Christmas dvds. 

Overall though we have loved spending time together as a family of 4, Having everyone here together with no work or school runs to worry about has been lovely and everyone perked up for a spot of ice skating yesterday! 

I have lots of hopes for 2015 but my main ones are -

- To spend more time with my family/children and friends. 
- To loose weight so that I can be happier, healthier and more energetic to run after James and Evie!
- To start saving money rather than wasting it.

But most of all I just want to enjoy it. I want to smile more, regret less and live life to its fullest remembering that life is for living not for worrying. 

This has also been the first proper full year I have been blogging and I have loved it! Not only has my blog been a great place for me to create and store memories for myself, it has been lovely to be able to share these with you, my lovely readers! I have been extremely lucky to also have the opportunity to review some fantastic products and work with some amazing companies, which hopefully you have found useful. I would like to thank each and every one of you who has visited my blog, my Facebook, my twitter or one of our other pages. Every comment, like, share etc I have been truly greatful for so thank you.

So here's to an amazing 2015!

Do you have any resolutions, wishes or hopes for 2015? please do share with us below. 



  1. I'm resolving to do more for others,be more efficient and just generally be 'more'

  2. Oh I am so sorry to hear you were all so poorly over Christmas x

  3. We were ill over Christmas too, I think half of the UK were! Wishing you a wonderful 2015! I plan on doing more exercise....we shall see :)

  4. Awww sorry you had a poorly Christmas - wishing you a fab 2015 :)

  5. Sorry to hear you were ill over Christmas. I have similar resolutions to you, good luck with them and have a great 2015

  6. Oh no so sorry you were all poorly.

    I'm going to shift this last 2 stone this year, I managed 2 last year

  7. Sorry to hear you weren't well Christmas. I hope that 2015 is kind to you and good luck with your goals.

  8. hope you had a good new year eve xx

  9. Happy New Year and good luck with the resolutions xx

  10. Good luck with all of your New Year resolutions! Here's to a great 2015 :)
