

Sunday 9 November 2014

5 Month update.

Evelyn turned 5 months today!

Time is going so quickly and it only seemed like yesterday we were bringing our tiny bundle home, Now our not so tiny bundle is 5 month old! 

Evelyn has already become such a little character. She recently found her voice and now happily chirps, squeals and chatters away at any opportunity (its so cute!). She has also really found her laugh and finds it hilarious if you sniff her toes and tell her they smell LOL!!

She dressed as a little witch for her first Halloween party!

She also has her first tooth just breaking through so soon these gummy smiles will be a little less gummy! 

We have started introducing food to her as she really seemed ready and with her awful reflux she was really struggling with keeping milk down and after some discussions with health visitors we decided this was the way forward for us.

She loves "trying" to feed herself lol!

She has also started to sit up by herself although its just for a few seconds at the moment before she leans to the side and falls over but I am sure we will get there soon.

She is such a good girl in the night and sleeps all through the night! Usually having her last bottle around 9pm and waking around 7.30am for a snuggle in bed with mummy and some milk. 

Evelyn is still totally in love with her big brother and is full of smiles for him when we pick him up from school. In fact regardless of Evie's mood James can always make her smile! It is so lovely watching them grow together, He loves her, She loves him and James is so protective of her! I cannot wait for the years to come to watch them grow and bond even more.

I cant believe next month with be half a year since Evelyn joined us and made our little family complete!! 



  1. She looks like a real little cutie - you're obviously very proud of her.

  2. Time flies, doesn't it. The swift passage is especially noticeable when tiny people grow. Nature really is a miracle. Had to chuckle at the food on her face. It must be so hard to find the right spot.

  3. SUch a cutie, and wow what a good sleeper- my three year old rarely manages that!

  4. Aww love all the milestones. She's just a little younger than my niece (and must have been born about my birthday ish). Teeth and sitting already she's going to be a clever one.

  5. Beautiful. I absolutely loved my girls baby years. The time goes past so quickly grab as much of it as you can!

  6. aw she's a cutie!!! Time goes so fast doesn't it?!

  7. Oh what a cutie, I love the witches outfit x

  8. She is lovely. I love looking at pictures of bablies who are trying to feed themselves. I have loads of my children covered in various purees! x

  9. Awww...lovely. It is amazing how quickly things change with them, isn't it?

  10. Awww what gorgeous pictures, I do miss those gummy smiles lol xx

  11. wow I can't believe she is five months already, I still remember reading your pregnancy updates x

  12. Aw she's so sweet and I love that photo in her witch's dress, gorgeous!!

  13. Why is baby food always orange???? She is adorable

  14. She looks gorgeous, what a sweetie.

  15. She looks so adorable. Especially in the halloween costume.

  16. Aw, it sounds like she is doing so well. Love her in the witch picture :)
