

Sunday 12 October 2014

Happy 5th Birthday James!

Yesterday was James 5th Birthday! 

Wow where did that time go!?! It only seems like yesterday I brought home from hospital my tiny 7lb 7oz baby boy yet here he is now 5 and in school! 

I have watched him grow from that tiny newborn, to taking his first steps, then heading off to nursery and most recently school. He has made me so proud and has managed to make me smile every single day. 

We started the morning opening presents, then had a treat of McDonald's for lunch before heading off to bowling and then boys had a play in the arcade afterwards! He invited one of his friends along and we had a fab time. 

Here are some photos from our day...

So James thank you for being an amazing son and fantastic big brother to your sister but most of all thank you for being you and making every day a little more fun, a little more exciting and filling ours hearts with a little more love each day!

Happy 5th Birthday James!! 



  1. Ahhhh what a lovely day with so much fun! We love bowling (and hubby absolutely BUZZES off of air hockey haha!)
    Happy birthday James :) xx

  2. Happy Birthday! 5 is a real milestone - looks like he had a lovely time!

  3. What a fab day James had!! Bowling is the best thing to do for your birthday! Happy Birthday James!!!

    Laura x x x

  4. Sounds like he had a lot of fun, havent been bowling in ages!

  5. Ah lovely post. Happy Birthday James x

  6. Looks like he had a great birthday! I'm gathering ideas for next year!

  7. Happy birthday James! He looks so happy :))

  8. Time really does fly! Looks like he had a lovely day.


  9. Happy Birthday James! Look like you had a fab time. x

  10. Happy birthday James! Looks like he had so much fun! x

  11. Looks like he had a super time. My boys love bowling and it is a great birthday treat

  12. Happy Birthday to him! Looks like it was a great, fun-filled day :)

  13. Aw Happy Birthday James, hope he had a fab day x

  14. Aww that's lovely. Glad you all had a great time :)
