

Thursday 9 October 2014

Full time school!

James is now at school full time! I am now a mother of child in full time school and a baby! eeeek how scary does that sound!

It seems so strange not having him home in the day, like something is missing. Evelyn despite only being a baby seems to miss him when hes not here (as do I!) and always greets him at the school gates with massive smiles when he peers into her pram. So now when James is home from school he loves spending time and playing with her even more!

He has been getting on really well and has made friends really quickly, which I have to admit was my biggest worry! I think most mums worry about their children making friends and settling in well. 

James has started bringing home a reading diary now along with a book, He then keeps the book for a few days and reads it, then takes it back and swaps it for a new book. James loves to read so this is something he is really enjoying doing and gets all excited when he brings home a new book. The reading diary also has a little space for comments so if you feel your child has done really well on a book or struggled with something you can write it down in the book. I think thats a great way to be able to communicate a little information to the teachers when they are so busy at drop of and pick up times. 

We have also been trying to continue the learning at home with a subscription to Twinkl (review coming soon) and educational games on the tablet, both seem to make learning fun and James seem to enjoy doing both without really realising he is learning!

If I had any advice it would be to talk to your child about school, what they will be doing there and how fun it will be before they start their new school journey. Schools can be big places and seem scary to such young children especially when you are leaving them there all day with new surroundings and new people! When I dropped James off on his first ever day he looked so tiny heading off into this big school! 
Also if your school offers stay and play type sessions before they start definitely attend! It gives the child a chance to meet some of the children they going to be in school with and lets them get a feel of the school. 

We did both of the above and I definitely think this helped with his swift and easy transition into school. 

Do you have any top tips for helping children settling into school? 



  1. Lovely post. My eldest is also now in reception and my youngest (9 months) is at home with me. I think your advice is great. The only advice I can offer is to arrange to walk to school with some other children from the same class. Makes friendships a lot easier.

    Laura x x x

  2. My twins started school this September and I still can't believe where the time has gone. My only tip is to make sure they get plenty of sleep at night it helps us with their tearfulness!

  3. My Niece starts school soon and it is scary at how quickly she has grown up.

  4. Its scary how fast they grow up! The fact that my princess will b in full time school next year... Ughhhh.... Where did the time go lol...

  5. no tips as we home educate, hope he carries on enjoying it x

  6. Lovely post. I found that the best time about school were the days when we walked home as that was the time there was no distraction and I was able to find out all about his day. On the days I drove, the journey was short and once we got home, he would go straight to watch TV and we got no conversation from him.

  7. I was more devastated when my little girl started school than her. The only thing I've learned to do is not ask her a bunch of questions on the car ride home. I start off with Do you know what Mommy had for lunch? What did you have for lunch? or Mommy had a busy day... How was your day? it works wonders.

  8. The best advice I ever heard about helping a child transition to kindergarten was from a teacher. She said if the parents are happy and comfortable then the child will be, too.

  9. My son has yet to go to full time school yet although he is in Daycare. I do sometimes miss him during the days lol. I will definitely keep these tips in mind for the mere future. He seems like a lovely kid. He'll have plenty of friends.

  10. First day of school... by first grade you will be counting down the days! I remember running to the car after dropping him for preschool so he wouldn't see mommy cry. The more you talk about it the more they think about it! It will become part of his routine as everything else has.

  11. When your child goes to school, it can be a hard transition. I have a similar picture of my then preschooler and baby on an exercise mat.

  12. I still have a baby at home so no school in the near future ahead but I can't help but dread when the time comes. Wishing you good luck!

  13. We are not at this stage yet, so I have no tips but I am really glad that he has settled in well to school x

  14. Settling into school is always hard maybe more for parent than child. You should encourage your child to talk about their day at school and maybe get him involved in an activity too . We always used to have a friend over to play once every couple of weeks.

  15. Such a big milestone - so sweet that he is keen to spend time with his baby sister when he gets home.

  16. I don't think you need any tips. Well done - sounds like it is all going well.

  17. It was hard when my son went to school. The home seems so empty without a kid to fill it up.

  18. We're not there yet but the stay and play thing sounds awesome. Love that your daughter misses him while he's gone. They grow up so fast!!!

  19. What a lovely post, I love that the little one misses your son when he isn't around x

  20. Lovely post, my baby will be starting school next year then I will be home alone and thinking about going back to work!

  21. That's the best bit about educational apps and programs isn't it? Children don't even realise it's homework. Sounds like you've all taken the change in your stride.

  22. My son has just started school too! My tip would be to expect them to be very, very tired....

  23. My youngest has just gone into juniors school so I no longer have any children at infants. It seems so long ago that I had to deal with the starting school issues. Aiden and Ella both loved going straight away but the middle child, Kaycee, screamed at the top of her voice all the time I was walking away. I could hear cries of 'mummy, come back' right round the other side of the building. It was heartbreaking. I'm so pleased I don't ever have to go through that again! Her teacher was great in getting her settled. She stopped screaming after about a week!

  24. My little one is so excited about starting school that i don't think she will have any issues

  25. I have just allowed my third to start and cannot believe I have an empty house in the day!
