

Monday 8 September 2014

Peanut is 3 months!!

Today as well as James starting school Peanut turned 3 month old!! 

Im seriously struggling to work out where the time has gone! Its like I blinked and missed it all and its only when I look at pictures of when she was born I realise how much she has actually grown! 

She is such a cheeky little girl always full of smiles and giggles and she is a complete mummy's girl! 

She now weighs around 13lb and is starting to fit in some of her 3-6 month clothing!! 
She loves being sat up looking around and hates being led down (well unless shes led under a mirror as she likes to look in the mirror and smile at herself lol). She has got in to a bad habit of clawing at her own face leaving scratches all over her poor little face and I've tried mittens, socks and baby grows with built in mittens but this baby Houdini can get out of them all!

James is still totally in love with her and never leaves her alone, Hes been so helpful wiping her mouth when shes been a little sick, putting back on her socks when she kicks them off and grabbing the nappies and wipes just to name a few things. Im so proud of the big brother he has become and some days I dont know what I would do without him helping me keep Peanut entertained (he can make her smile at the drop of a hat which melts my heart!) 

Here are some pictures of my cheeky girl today at 3 months old...

and here she is with her big brother on his first day of school! 

So proud of both my amazing babies my heart is just bursting with love and pride!! 



  1. What lovely pics! I found time went slowly with number 1 and so fast the second time. Need to enjoy it - and I reckon you are!!

  2. She is growing so fast! It is lovely to watch the sibling relationship grow and develop x

  3. Bless her scratching her face! I have urticaria, and my facial skin gets very itchy at times, presumably you've tried moisturising it? She's so sweet - really long! I'm not surprised she's into 3-6 mth clothes now!

  4. How can she be three months already! Maxi had to wear scratch mits all the time. She is sooooo cute

  5. Time whizzes by so fast - I wish I could tell you it slows down as they get older !

  6. Naughty peanut! Stop scratching your lovely face now!

  7. They're both gorgeous and it's lovely that your son is so helpful with his baby sister.

  8. Time passes so quickly. It feels like yesterday that my son was three months old - he's three and a half now and a real cheeky but gorgeous little monkey, who this time next year will be starting school. Lovely to hear that your son is so helpful.

  9. She is so cut and it is really lovely that James is so good with her. x

  10. It's amazing how quickly time passes - blink and it's gone!

  11. What lovely photos, it is nice to hear James is good with her x

  12. What a cute little Peanut! And it's so cute that she has bonded with her big brother so well!

  13. So beautiful! <3
    Time really does fly doesn't it. You just want it to stop up for a sec so you can take a breath and just enjoy them as they are small! haha

    ERFmama | www.erfmission.com

  14. Gorgeous photos and what a lovely big brother :) Hope he's enjoying school x

  15. Aww she's gorgeous! #mummymonday

  16. aw she is adorable and peanut is such a cute nickname :)

  17. Lovely pictures :) The time goes so fast! #mummymonday

  18. Gosh what gorgeous pictures! I've done a similar post on this week's #mummymonday too. Ahhh, it's fab being a mum isn't it!
