

Friday 19 September 2014

Our Top Tips for saving some Pennies!

With summer almost over and those days by the beach and sunny holidays becoming a distant memory our focus changes to other things.

Christmas is looming just around the corner as the shops starts filling up with Christmas gifts, cards and chocolates (I've even seen mince pies!!!) and we stare longingly into the estate agents windows dreaming of our next holiday in the summer our mind turns to SAVING!

Today I thought I would share with you our top tips for saving money whether its saving for Christmas, your next holiday or a bit of extra money for those January sales!

Money Tins

These can be great for saving up loose change! I like the actual tins that you require a tin open to actually break open the tin (once opened it cannot be used again) as it deters you from taking money back out. At the end of each day or week pop all your loose change inside and you will be surprised at just how much you can save this way without even really realising you are doing it!

Voucher/Discount code apps

If you are planning a day out, going out for a meal or even just taking the kids for a game of bowling check out voucher/discount code apps such as VoucherCloud and Groupon. Places like this offer discounts codes for everything from holidays and hotels, too clothing and food and can really save some money. We always make sure we check them out before heading for a family day out and have saved lots of money this way. 

Check out Comparison websites for utilities

Its always best to check that you getting the best deal for your utilities before renewing or paying time and time again as you could be saving lots of money by switching companies! Websites such as Compare the market, Uswitch and Moneysupermarket can help you compare utility prices and get you the best deal. 

Make Extra

When cooking meals make a little extra to freeze and use later. When I make meals like spaghetti bolognaise, lasagne, cottage pie etc I try and make double and then freeze them. They come in handy on days when I cant be bothered to stand in the kitchen cooking or I know we are busy and going to be back late. It saves having to nip to the takeaway and everyone is still getting a healthy, filling meal. 

Check out the sales

Don't be afraid to have a good rummage through the sale rails! Big supermarkets like Tesco and Asda often have big sales on their clothing as each season comes to an end and I have managed to pick up loads of outfits in a range of sizes at better than half the "normal" price. Although the jumbled rails may look  a little daunting sometimes you will be suprised at the bargains you can get if you spend a little time having a look through. 

Free Activities for Kids

Websites such as Cbeebies and Disney have free colouring sheets that you can print out in your child's favourite theme, character or programme for them to colour in. James loves colouring in so these keep him entertained for a little while and they are free! 
Also use everyday items to create crafts, Have you seen our "Getting creative with leaves" post you can find it HERE, Where we made art simply with leaves it was free and James had lots of fun. 
You can also check out your local library (as well as all the books to borrow some libraries run free events and classes!), museums, and parks (when the weather is nice!).

These are a few of our money saving tips that will hopefully help out.

Do you have any money saving tips you can share with us?? 



  1. Great tips! I used to love saving up my change, but now I never use cash. And yes, it may take a bit longer, but I love looking on the sales rack for a good deal!

  2. We put all of coppers and five pences into a money box. It's surprising how it add up and certainly makes purses and pockets lighter.

  3. really helpful tips, I am always looking for coupons and save every penny I can!
    Melissa x

  4. great tips, we have a 'change jar' and as the hubby is a waiter while he's at college, it fills pretty quickly with his tips too! we save it up for christmas

  5. some really great tips. I have a money frog and try to save £2 a day in it, then at Christmas, I should have enough to cover the cost x

  6. I love lists of tips like this. I have been making extra food recently and using it to make something new the next day

  7. I love this idea.. I plan to share with my kids too:) Good to start the practice of saving when they're youn.

  8. I love the idea of the money tins - a great way to be saving without thinking too much about it.

  9. Liking the money tins idea - we do a similar thing here and it usually fills up with £30 over month - not bad at all!

  10. Great tips! I used to have a money tin when I was a student. It really helped at the end of the month.

  11. Get rid of your unwanted items. If they are in good usable condition I am sure someone will want to buy them.

  12. thanks for sharing these tips voucher saving codes i want to use this i like this
