

Monday 8 September 2014

My baby has started school!

Today James started school! 

He was so excited last night so excited in fact he couldn't sleep and for about 1 hour after he had gone to bed we had him constantly shouting downstairs "Is it time for school yet?" 
He even had us lay out his school clothes and shoes on the floor so he could see them the night before lol. 

This morning he got himself dressed and I just sat and watched, He didn't need mummy to do it he told me, He was a big boy who was going to school! He looked so smart in his uniform and so proud! I was so proud of him! This tiny little baby I brought home nearly 5 years ago has grown into this handsome little man who is heading off to school. 

Here he is in his uniform...

and with his baby sister...

When I took him in there were no hesitations from James, He couldn't wait to get in the classroom. He quickly found his peg and placed his book bag into the box and off he went into the class with just a quick kiss and goodbye for me and Peanut. I just about managed to hold back the tears (very much helped by the fact he was so excited about going in and had no hesitations or worry at all!). But inside I was all teary not upset or sad but bursting with pride for my little man! 

When I picked him up at 12 (he is doing morning sessions for the first few weeks) he came running out of the door towards me with a massive smile on his face telling me how much fun he had and how he has milk and fruit on the carpet. He is already asking when he can go back and not happy that I told him not until tomorrow lol. 

All I can say is enjoy every second of your little ones because they grow up so fast! 

I hope all of those with little ones who have just started school have settled in just as well?

How did you find the first day when you took you little ones to school for the first time?  



  1. I hated sending mine to school. He is adorable, totally

  2. Awe he looks so cute in his uniform and so happy! I am glad he enjoyed his day :)

  3. Aww! He looks so smart in his uniform! It sounds like he had a great time! x

  4. i have shared this experience today and was very emotional. it has been a long slog to get to this point and I still worry about her health and being away from me so much.

  5. Aww you must be so proud, he looks so smart! x

  6. I've got all this to come next year with my son!

  7. Phew, so glad itr went well. It's such a worrying time isn't it.

  8. Hope he continues to enjoy it......Eliza was so excited this morning

  9. Ah he looks so cute all dressed up. I am so glad he loved it x

  10. Aww adorable, it's scary how quickly they grew up! When my brothers moved on and went into school it was so sad, and now my dad had a baby and he's in nursery already, scary!! xxx


  11. Aww how fab, my daughter started last week .x

  12. He looks so proud of himself. What a great start to school.

  13. What a cute little boy! Sorry, big boy, lol. The time does fly so fast.

  14. Aw doesn't he look so chuffed? I hope he had a great day x

  15. Aww bless him. Glad he went in so well. Hardest thing for me is leaving them when they are crying that they don't want to go.

  16. He looks so grown up in his uniform. My youngest started nursery last week and it was as hard for me as when my eldest started many years ago.

  17. I've got big sobs, because, I sent my boy back to school yesterday - into Year 11 - my little squidy boy is now a big beardy young man!!

  18. Mine started sixth form! Nearly at the end of his school career, now that does make me want to cry ;)

  19. I was in the odd situation of one starting Reception and one starting 6th form on the same day!

  20. Aw he looks so swet and proud. I'm so pleased it went so well for him.
