

Monday 4 August 2014

Peanuts First Visit To The Swimming Pool!

So today started as a bit of a disaster! We originally planned to take peanut and James to the seaside. We were already running later after after to pop to the post office (massive ques) and Tesco first, Then when we got onto the motorway about 15 minutes in 3 cars in front us was a big 5 car crash! Luckily it looked like everyone involved had managed to get out of their cars and police were quickly in attendance so we all got around and carried on our journey.
However we soon hit MORE traffic and this time it was at a stand still! We barely moved and people were even getting out of their cars on the motorway! 
So we opted to turn around and come home. 

We had promised James we were going to go out but as it was already passed lunch time it was a bit later for a day trip so we decided to go swimming instead!

This was peanuts first trip to the swimming pool, She loves her baths so I was hoping she would love the swimming pool as well! 
She completly loved it!! She happily kicked her legs and splashed around for 45 minutes before she got a bit hungry (still no tears but she was trying to eat the strap on her costume lol!) 

James loved it as it meant he could show off to daddy all the things he has been learning at his swimming lessons recently. Hes been doing so well at swimming lessons and can now swim half a width of the small pool all by himself, He loves going under water (before swimming lessons he didnt even like getting water splashed at him!!) and is doing so well.

James all ready for swimming

Peanut ready for swimming

and lots of smiles after!!

So although our day started off a bit rubbish it turned out fab and both James and Peanut are fast asleeep!

Do your kids like swimming? 



  1. It's lovely that you could all go swimming together. We hope to get lessons for our son because he is quite nervous in the water. I hope they are as successful as your sons have been.

  2. Aww Peanut looks super sweet and James looks like he can't wait to get into the pool. Both of my children are water babies and have been regularly going swimming since they were 6 months old. They absolutely love it.

  3. Sweeet! Sounds like a great day, and that last picture especially is adorable! :)

  4. I love how you can all go swimming together, it has been a long time since ive done swimming, my local pool is always full of people doing some sort of aerobics and I always feel as though I am intruding x

  5. My kids love swimming too and it's a great way to spend an afternoon. Hope you get to the seaside soon!

  6. 7yo loves to go swimming, she's a proper water baby.

  7. My boys have been swimming weekly since they were three weeks old. Sorry you day didn't start well, but it was a fab end to it

  8. So cute.
    Both mine adore swimming and both have regular lessons

  9. 45 minutes for a first time is excellent!! #proudlittlemoments

  10. Awww lovely photos, they make me smile! Glad the rubbish day turned into a good one :)

  11. For a first-timer, Peanut's 45 minutes is very impressive. Hope she carries on loving the water as she gets older.

  12. Ah the pictures are so cute! Glad you could all go together x


  13. What a lovely day. My five year old has just learned to swim, and he totally loves it, we've been going twice a week since the holidays started.



  14. What a lovely day out, even if it didn;t go exactly to plan. All 3 of mine love swimming too. #MMWBH

  15. What a shame the day started so crap, but thank god you missed the crash!
    Carson is terrified of water and finley has never been the baths but we're on hol next week and I'm gunna take them both eeeep!! Wish me luck that it turns out as nice as your trip!
    Thanks for linking to #babybabble

  16. This is something I definately would like to try with my Babba!


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