
Friday, 29 August 2014

James and Evelyn Update.

WOW time has gone so quickly! 

Evelyn is now 11 weeks old and has grown so much, She now has no interest in lying down and wants to be constantly upright looking around having a good old nosy at the world. 
She has had her first lot of immunisations (which I am pretty sure was more traumatic for me than her as she just let out a whimper then had a feed and fell asleep lol!). She also got weighed yesterday and at 11 weeks 4 days weighs 13lb!! 
Evelyn is completely full of smiles and has recently started laughing which is so cute it melts your heart in an instant. Saying that shes already a complete diva when she wants to be and has definitely found her voice when she wants picking up or feeding! 

James is starting school in just over 1 week!! I cannot believe my baby boy is heading off to school. We brought his school uniform Saturday and he was so excited trying on school jumpers and checking out his book bag. 
James also got his second swimming badge at his swimming lessons (super proud mummy)! and he can now swim short distances all by himself with no floats!! He has moved up from the preschool swimming lessons to the school age swimming lessons in preparation for school, I was a little nervous how he would get on as its a lot more "actual" swimming than fun and games like his previous lessons but he loved it.

I cant believe how quickly both my babies are growing up but I am loving the beautiful little people they are turning in too. 



  1. Lovely news re James' swimming and hope he enjoys his first day at school. Love that picture of big brother with his little sister at the bottom of the blog post.

  2. Lovely pictures. I hope starting school goes smoothly for James x

  3. My twins are starting school this next week too and I'm finding it hard to find where all the time has gone! Beautiful photos and I hope James loves school!

  4. The days are long, but the years are short. I often wish I could bottle times to be able to breath it all in when I have more time

  5. Gorgeous children! It does indeed go fast, my 11 month old is learning new things every day!

  6. Such beautiful children, they grow so quick

  7. They are both so lovely. And well done on the milestones. You must be so proud.

  8. That is such a lovely photo of them together. Good luck for the start of school!

  9. They grow up so quickly! I hope James is enjoying school so far.
