

Friday 11 July 2014

Why my name is Mummy!

My name is Mummy. It used to be Jess but then I had children now I'm known as Mummy or Mum!

You see before I had children I was Jess, I had my own identity, my own name and I didn't think anything of it.

That was until I had my little boy at 19 I was still quite young and suddenly I was no longer Jess I was Mummy, I was James mummy and my occupation was Mummy. Im not going to lie at first I felt a little lost I felt like I had lost my identity behind a cloud of mummy duties and I felt like I wasn't "me" anymore I was just James mum. 
However I soon came to realise this was not the case! Yes everyone still calls me mum (even the hubby when he is around the kids!) and Yes when people refer to me its "oh yes that's James mum" and yep my occupation is still Mummy but I LOVE that word, I LOVE being mummy! 

See I now realise Mummy isn't just a name its like a badge of honour! 
Being a mum is the best, most rewarding job I've ever had, Yes it hard and sometimes I cant wait for the day to end so I can crawl into bed but isn't that the same with any job? Its just that with my job there is no desk or deadlines, no commute or uniform. There is however Smiles (and tantrums), Laughter, Adventure, Learning and exploring (for all of us not just the kids). Yes my job is hard its 24/7 and there are no "holidays" I cant just book a week off when I feel like it but that's ok because I'm Mummy and I love my job! 

So that's why my name is Mummy! Because its not just a name its my life now. When I look at my children I know that my name is mummy because I grew and nurtured these 2 little people, They need me, They depend on me, I offer then security and hugs and kisses on demand. 
The day I gave birth I turned into Mummy and it was the best change I could ever make!!

I am James and Evelyn's Mummy and Proud!

How did you feel when you first became mummy? Did you find it hard to get used too? 



  1. Such a lovely heartfelt post - I don't think my 3yr old even knows my real name - but I love nothing better in the world than being called mummy :)

    Laura x

  2. I love being called Mumma by my kids and it does make me feel all warm inside BUT I do like being called by my name by everyone else. It's an acknowledgement of me as a person by the rest of the world

  3. I love being called Mummy but it's nice to be something other than a Mummy sometimes.

  4. Lovely post. I wanted to be a mum for so long, that it just felt right. However, I have also felt lost and like I don't have my own identity now x


  5. Beautiful post! I wish my mum had appreciated the name before walking out on my dad and three children! x

    JustJulie | Beauty Blog

  6. I have to admit that I felt I had lost my identity when I became a mum and I still don't like being called The MiniMad's mum, I have a name!

  7. I love being called Mummy, and loved it from the start. I can't imagine being called anything else. Lovely post

  8. this is really sweet. sometimes i think kids dont know their parents actual names though, haha!

  9. I love being called Mummy, apart from the times that you get it shouted at you a billion times when they want something and you are busy doing something else lol

  10. I love being called Mummy apart from when he says it 10 times in 2 minutes. The ONLY time I feel down about it is when the online Feminists bash us about being Mummy Bloggers but thank God that only happens about once a year xx

  11. Such a lovely post :) I get called Mam, Mummy or Mama! x

  12. I am Mama to my 3 and I love that. Lovely post...it's a great badge of honour!

  13. Very beautiful post.
    I found it hard converting to being called mum. I love being a mum sooo much, but there are times when I'm woken up in the middle of the night by my Mini Me shouting 'MUUUUUUUMMM!' and I jump up in shock, realising it's actually 'me'! I still feel about 18 and mum's sound so grown up, so organised and safe, though I guess I am all of those things to my daughter, even if I don't feel that way internally.

  14. I think that this is actually nice... they have a private name for you and this is something special. Not everyone can be a Mum so ... let's enjoy it :-)

  15. I like being Mummy but must admit I felt a little lost when I had our School visit and daughter informed me that her teacher will be doing all that instead

  16. Lovely post. I love being called Mummy (well actually its more like Mamamamamamamamama or Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm) but it does sounds weird to me when I'm referred to as 'E's Mummy!' x

  17. What a lovely post, I have a sixteen year age gap between my oldest and youngest child and when the older ones started calling me mum instead of mummy I was really sad so it's lovely to have little ones around to call me mummy again, I do agree though that you can get feel a little lost when you first become mummy #MMWBH

  18. lovely, lovely post. So very true and indeed it is the best job in the world. xx

  19. What a beautiful post. I took me a while to get used to the mummy badge but now I wear it with honour. I love my little man more than anything and cherish every moment I get with him.

  20. Awww what a sweet post! Your name can be a generic Mummy but to your kids you are the only one =) #mmwbh

  21. Beautiful. I love being a mummy. Thing I am most proud of. Sure it has it's downsides and tears and tantrums. But mainly it is all good!!
