

Saturday 5 July 2014

Peanuts been dressing up!

I really cannot believe how fast time is going and that Peanut will be 1 month old in just 4 days!!! 
I figured it might be time to get her out the baby grows and into some of the pretty girly dress's she has before she soon outgrows them.

Here she is in her first proper little outfit rocking out a denim dress and pink vest.

Also posing with her big brother who is still absolutely besotted by his little sister!

I really cannot believe how quickly time is passing I wish I could just wrap them both up in cotten wool and keep them small forever. Peanut has been awake so much more recently and has been breaking out some pretty awesome facial expressions including this "SUPRISE" face lol!

These two kiddiwinks just melt my heart with every little thing they do I didnt realise it was possible to love this much until I met these 2 beauties! All my worries of how I would love another baby when it felt like all my love was taken by how much I loved James just melted as soon as I met her, My love didnt divide nor lessen for James my heart simply grew and expanded so I could love them both the same.



  1. They both are so precious and adorable :) that outfit really is so cute too:)x
    |Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog|

  2. So so cute! Congratulations too!

  3. Awww she looks cute in that denim dress! #mmwbh

  4. Such a little cutie! It is so great being a mummy, enjoy every moment of your little treasures as it goes by so very quickly :) #MMWBH

  5. How adorable is this post and those PHOTOS! My goodness. Adorable. Thanks so much for linking up with #MMWBH xx

