

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Peanut is 1 Month old!!

Peanut is 1 month old already!! Now I new time was going quickly but that quickly WOW!! 
Honestly before I had her I remember saying to my husband I just can't imagine having 2 children, Now I find myself saying I just cant imagine life without her! 

I am so proud of how much of a good big brother James has been! He has been so helpful and is so loving and affectionate towards her (ok sometimes a little to much when he has hugged her and kissed her 50 times before 9am lol). He is always telling people about his little sister and showing her off to everyone is Tesco's when he's sat next to her in the trolley lol!

She is growing so quickly and I am going to have to sort through her clothes on the weekend and begin packing her newborn clothes away as shes now moving up to 0-3 month clothing. She had her first health visitor check yesterday and everything is all good and she now weighs 8lb 13oz my little chunky monkey! 

She is becoming a little diva already, Throwing herself into a full blown strop if she has to wait more than 30 seconds for her bottle to arrive and then refusing it if it isn't at the right temperature lol. She already has more pairs of shoes than me at 1 month old and I am pretty sure shes giving Victoria Beckham a run for her money with the amount of dresses she has lol! 

But honestly I am so lucky I have to beautiful, healthy, thriving children who despite both throwing their fair share of tantrums always manage to bring a smile to my face. Just slow down time I want to enjoy them a little bit longer! 



  1. Aw such a lovely post and beautiful pictures x


  2. Aw wow, she is beautiful! James sounds like a fab big brother too =)

    Corinne x

  3. Happy 1 month birthday! It's amazing how quickly time goes by!

  4. Seriously? One month already! That's incredible! Bless her, she looks very like my little girl did at four weeks

  5. she is very cute! I love watching older siblings with new babies. My eldest was 4 when his sister was born and the day we brought her home, he treated her to a puppet show!

  6. What a cute little peanut! She is such a little beauty! Babies are so wonderful! My son is so big now and I really miss the time when he was just a little baby!

  7. She's adorable, glad she already has a healthy shopping habit :)

  8. Cutie! Happy 1 month!! Time certainly does fly

  9. happy one month! she is beautiful x

  10. It flies by doesn't it - so scary! I'm lucky in that Finley doesnm't care what temp his milk is at - as long as it's in his mouth he's happy haha!
    Thanks for linking to #babybabble x

  11. Can't believe she's a month already! What a little stunner. xx

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps

  12. Beautiful post. I very much hope this is me one day with a boy and a girl. I don't miss those days though when clothes only fit them 3 months.
    Liska xx

  13. Time has flown by! Adore the photos, she is lovely :) x

  14. Such a cutie! You must be wondering where the time has gone x

  15. Aww happy 1 month little peanut!!! Time does go by so quickly! Littleface 2.0 is already 1 year old! And now I sometimes get broody for another baby.. haha no seriously shouldn't joke about having a third. haha

  16. It just flies by doesn't it. Happy one month birthday Peanut - the world is your Oyster :-) x
    Love Vicky
    Around and Upside Down

  17. She looks like a happy little peanut =)



    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  18. Such a cutie, those first few months fly by don't they! x

  19. Aww happy one month birthday!! It's goes so quickly I know! I remember when I was having my second, I couldn't imagine having two, or loving another as much... but we do x

  20. cute little one, thanks for sharing)
