

Sunday 22 June 2014


Hello everyone,

Well Peanut is now almost 2 weeks old!! Time is going so quickly it only feels like yesterday I gave birth! However her wardrobe says differently lol! As we didnt find out what sex baby was until she was born all the clothes we had were unisex so once we found out she was a little girl the flowery, summer dresses were all to tempting and I just had to buy her lots of girly clothes! 

I popped into our local Tesco yesterday (we have a big Tesco extra locally) and they had a big sale on clothes and I managed to get some really good bargains for James and Peanut so thought I would share them with you. 

First up James clothes (James has developed a slight obsession with anything Spiderman, Batman etc lol!) ..

I got this Spiderman onesie for £5! Its quite thin so perfect for summer as James wont go to bed without anything on. The colours are really bright and James thinks he Spiderman wearing it lol! 

I also got this Batman Tshirt for just £4! 

Next up Peanuts clothes...

First I brought her this super cute seaside print dress! It is a lovely blue colour with small frills to the bottom with a seahorse, starfish and shell print pattern and a pretty blue flower on the chest. 
It cost just £2!

I also brought her these 2 cute sleep suits I really liked the unusual colours of them and they were just £4 for both! 

Next up is this 2 piece set, Its a little bit big for her at the moment as its 3-6 months but I thought it was really cute and a bargain at just £5 for set! 

I also managed to grab a pack of these bandana bibs for £1 for 2! 

I was really impressed with how mcuh they had in the sale in store (and theres even more online!!) and how cheap some of the items were! 

Why not check out the sale for yourself here .... Tesco F&F clothing sale!

Have you ever picked up any bargains from your local Tesco store? 



  1. I absolutely adore baby girl clothes!! You can get so many cute things. Places like tesco must be a godsend because they are relatively cheap. Clothes don't last long on babies at all!

  2. I love Tesco's F&F range of clothes! You can get some lovely bargains in the sales, I had a look yesterday but there wasn't anything in her size. we do have the seahorse t-shirt for C but it's been put away for our upcoming holiday

  3. Wicked bargains there! Just be careful with those bibs. They get soaked right thru if they're anything like the boys colours. Poor Fin was getting drenched!!

  4. Fabulous bargains hun! I think my bargain hunting skill is now rubbing off on you! *hi 5*

  5. I love F&F clothes for the kids, they're really on trend in there & our local Tesco store is huge so we have a massive range so always find something,. I especially like their Summer stuff at the moment, it seems to match the adults stuff in style. Lovely post & congratulations on your little one, Lizzie XO

  6. OMG she is just adorable and I think clothes for girls are much nicer, What great finds

  7. She's such a cutie, and well dressed too!

  8. Such a great blog! Gotta love bargain hunting :) She is such a sweetie too!


  9. Ahh she is cute! Tesco do have such amazing bargains x


  10. Wow, great bargains. Love the seaside dress

  11. I love Tesco clothes - so well priced and brilliant quality. That seaside dress is grorgeous x

  12. Ooh i do love a good bargain! And tescos are really upping their game in their clothing line as they have some pretty good stuff in :) x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  13. I love baby clothes and if they are at a bargain then that sounds like heaven to me. I loved those bandana bibs. So trendy!

  14. I do love my local Tescos - we've got a huge superstore just down the road. always used to buy the boy's clothes there when he was younger, and to be fair, I buy a lot still from there for him (and the hubster!) Some really lovely bits you picked up! x

  15. Excellent bargains :) We love Tesco. We got all the school uniforms for the three kids from there last year and will be doing so again this year. I used to get them from Asda but since trying Tesco, I'll be sticking with them :)

  16. Aww that seaside print dress is so adorable :) I love Tesco for clothing bargains, the quality is always great too!

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  17. Congratulations on her - she's gorgeous. Lovely clothes, I love tesco for kids clothes!

  18. I like those sleepsuits - nice to see bold colours rather than pastels too.

  19. I love Tesco for bargains - you got some great stuff!

  20. I love Tesco for bargains - you got some great stuff! x

  21. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your Tesco bargains on your blog! It's always exciting to find great deals and discounts.
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